Spy x Family - I've already mentally dropped this. It's like they came up with the premise, a la sitcom, and are just seeing where it goes. They've had 1 episode this season where I would say it advanced the story. I'm not sure why it's so high in the weekly ranking.
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Spy x Family is a slice of life comedy that happens to have a main plot. If you're not in it for the comedic misunderstandings and emotional warm fuzzies then it's just not for you.
I don't watch it, but it became so explosively popular in its first season that even if it is mediocre for a stretch, there is so much captive audience there already. So many shows start out with an interesting premise and a good opening arc or two and then just seem to not really know what to do with themselves after that.
Like Sword Art Online. :D
I already mentally checked out in the 2nd part of season 1, similar reason as you. Haven't bothered to pick up season 2
I have only gotten the chance to watch a couple shows this season:
- The Eminence in Shadow - Really enjoyed the first arc of the season while the second was a bit disappointing to me (a source reader). However, it seems anime-only reactions have been more positive. With five episodes left, this final arc of the season should be able to have the time it needs to make it special.
- Frieren - This is another series in which I am a source reader. The adaptation so far has been really incredible. I cannot say enough good things about this series.
- 100 Girlfriends - Another series for which I am a source reader. So far, I have enjoyed the adaptation. I think they have made some effort to keep the meta-humor in the series. Also, I haven't gone back and checked the early manga chapters, but I don't remember so much fan service in the source.
- Girlfriend, Girlfriend - Another series for which I am a source reader. I personally think this series works better in manga form. Naoya and company are just so exaggerated in print form and with how absurd the story is, I think the over-the-top-ness of the manga helps carry the story better. I find myself getting bored sometimes watching the series in anime form.
- The Family Circumstances of the Irregular Witch - I started this series in the hope it was just a feel good SOL in a fantasy setting. However, between the opening episodes featuring fan service of a character they repeatedly point out is 16 years old and then the awkward story pacing, I have mostly dropped this series. I have not read the source, but I was able to guess that it was a 4 koma based on how awkwardly told the story is with frequent interruptions and transitions. Apparently not every 4 koma series can get the Bocchi or Tomo treatment.
- Frieren: beyond journey's end: intrigued by the premise, not sure exactly what makes this show compelling, yet it somehow is.
- Scott Pilgrim takes off: was hyped, turns out to be something entirely different of what everyone expected. Definitely will keep watching.
- Goblin Slayer II: first half was way too tame. Not dropping it but was hoping for more (bit of a guilty pleasure that one).
- Dropped Kingdoms of Ruin. Another over the top revenge anime with a premise that makes no sense.
- I love the manga of Frieren and was a bit scared of the adaptation, but the anime blew me away. It's so good.
- Faraway Paladin surprisingly got better. Wasn't sure whether to continue it, but it has definitely improved on the 1st season.
- Dropped JJK season 2. I've been struggling to get into season 2 since it began, but because I liked season 1 I hung on, but ended up dropping it 2 weeks ago. It just seemed so aimless with every fight getting stretched across half an episode or an entire episode with all the intensity of a boss fight, despite it just being an obstacle. Also the narration just pulled me straight out of it. It was so unnecessary. Also some story beats that imo didn't make sense