This sounds super good haha. Nice job.
Kombucha Brewing
For all Kombucha lovers!
Interesting. I never thought of using a scoby on pure juices. I wonder how it would work on grain-based worts like I do in my homebrews.
I think if you added extra sugar, it might work with grains too. I'd definitely recommend trying it! I might give grape juice a try next cause one of my favorite juices to use in flavoring is grape juice (makes it taste a bit like wine lol)
Extra sugar might not be needed, as the wort is usually already at 10+ brix. It's certainly worth a try.
I’m not sure what to call this. Vinegar would take way longer to set in but Kombucha usually involves tea as a starter. Do you know what PH your final product came out at?
Unfortunately not :( I plan on getting some pH strips though cause it'd be fun to know!
I’d love to see more in the future. Do you brew regular kombucha too?
I do indeed! Took a break for a while but now I'm back to regularly brewing
Here's the nasty looking pellicle the brew produced lol, again it ferments really fast. The white pellicle towards the edges was created in 2 days.
Oh my....