In Detroit, turn signal means “Fellow travellers, I have noticed a sizeable gap in the adjacent lane. If you would be so kind, please speed up so as to close the gap and deny entrance to any vehicle that may consider it.”
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Tumblr post transcription:
my dark twisted secret is i always use my turn signals whenever possible because i believe they were included in vehicles for a reason. i’m a bit of a freak this way. a weirdo
(Screenshots of tags)
#can i guess everyone reblogging this is not a BMW driver
#posts that ppl who drive teslas or chargers cant understand
#the lord may move in mysterious ways but you don't have to!! #use your turn signals friends
many funny and true things going on in the notes. but also
(Screenshots of tags)
#in massachusetts this makes you so quirky and different that they crucify you with hammers and nails
#Posts that could never be written by a massachusetts resident
#I hear they revoke your license for that in Massachusetts
what the hell is going on up there.
83K notes
by the way, if you put a backslash before the hash, you don't get massive text
Strange, which client are you using? On desktop it looks normal to me, here's a screenshot from my pov
Image (Click to view)
regardless it should be fixed now, thanks for letting me know ^^
the same, desktop lemmy-ui
it should be big on all clients though, #'s are markdown syntax for titles[^1] - if it wasn't i don't know why (a bug?)
[^1]: more info
thank you
Lies. These people just don't know how Massachusetts works.
• Put on your turn signal and wait? You're weak, I'm gonna close up the gap.
• Just start nosing over? Eh, he's got gumption, I'll let him in.
• Wait to cross at the crosswalk? What a maroon. No sympathy.
• Charge blindly into the crosswalk? Carry on sir, I'll come to a stop for you, and we will exchange an understated wave. (1% chance I will flip you off and get mad for no discernable reason though)
If you're not from here, it seems like everyone's being a dick all the time, but in their mind, you're just not communicating that you actually need them to get out of the way or whatever.
If you’re not from here, it seems like everyone’s being a dick all the time,
That's because you are. If your state is infamous for being wildly unsafe in other states, you don't have a different culture, you have ineffective traffic law enforcement. You ain't fuckin aliens, we live in the same damn country, under the same Federal highway laws. We DON'T live in two different cultures.
We live in the same damn one, and you're just bad at it.
I bet the pedestrian deaths are breathtaking. Fuckin excuses.
Not even close. But please, continue to confuse your opinions with objective reality.
I'm 100% open to the conversation if you want to talk about the bad things about Massachusetts, or anything else that's "my team" more or less. But, it's gotta be based in reality, not just prejudice.
The first time I ever rode a motorbike was in Rome (no shit, and yes I knew it was a bad idea).
In the morning I tried to be careful, stay out of the way of cars, and people kept honking and cursing. I think I nearly died trying to get out of a traffic circle.
Over lunch I was informed "motorbikes go where they want to go and assume that cars will work around them, the cars expect that too, you trying to defer to them is what's fucking things up".
And he was right.
Yeah, Boston's the same. If you're trying to get where you're going and you get in someone's way, they're fine with it. If you're in the way because you're timid, they'll hate you for it. It takes some getting used to but it actually makes sense.
Also, it works (for a certain definition) - Boston is #3 in the nation for minor accidents but absolute lowest in the nation for fatalities. We'll smack into you maybe, but when the chips are down we're able to do what's right. There's some kind of overall statement about the city's culture there I think.
weird. I learned to drive in Massachusetts and didn't encounter this.'s_Handbook
The 1980's version of this was goddamn hilarious, haven't seen the newer edition.
My friend did the Boston left on a 4-lane road in California and he said every driver in every lane panicked and came to a complete stop b/c they had no idea what he was doing. 😆
As a full-time pedestrian I cannot even begin to count the amount of times I've almost been run over by some idiot not using their turn signal.
massachusetts is where they make all of the bmw and tesla drivers
I've said it before and I'll say it again, there is a reason I call them massholes. I should point out I learned that term from someone born and raised in Plymouth, Mass
Literally lifting a finger to make the world a safer place.