
joined 2 years ago
[–] Apytele 6 points 12 hours ago* (last edited 12 hours ago) (2 children)

earlier yesterday my partner was talking about this and brought up that being incomprehensibly loud and horrible is the entire point. He's got a lot of buddies he's funneling money to in various ways and that money is then being used to amuse themselves with weird pedo shit and environmental destruction while destroying social safety nets and hoarding food, housing, and medical resources so that we can't do anything about it. His role in all this is to just be as loudly horrible and insane as possible so that that's the only thing people are able to see. It's specifically supposed to not make any sense.

[–] Apytele 6 points 15 hours ago

Last year I got down to roughly 115lb abs 6ft due to a combination of job stress, alcohol related gastritis, then when I used weed gummies to quit the booze I got cannabinoid hyperemesis (1 year no booze now, about 6 months no gummies. Might try one or the other again at some point but I'd need to address my lifestyle and job stressors first).

I went to see a gastroenterologist and their main advice was just to take the opportunity to eat terribly, or at least, what would normally be considered terribly. Normally calorie dense foods are ill advised because they lead to obesity but if you're having trouble keeping on weight they're exactly what you need.

I basically wound up living off snickers bars for a few months. Rock climbers actually use them for the same reason; there's a looot of calories packed into those tiny bars, and a decent amount of it is fat / protein compared to similar options (maybe payday bars if you really wanna up the protein factor). The caveat here is that I also have IBS, so I needed to take Metamucil / psyllium husk fiber as well to make sure my stomach kept functioning well / keep the chocolate and sugar from agitating my colon, which also would have led to malabsorption / not absorbing the calories, which would have defeated the point.

You can get the fiber in capsules to just take with water instead of having to mix up a whole beverage to chug, but if you do that you need to make sure you stay hydrated so it doesn't constipate you. I recommend getting a water bottle / skein of some kind that sits against your body well so it can stay with you on the move. I used one of those gallon bottles and would leave it on my work computer with a tall straw and just sip at it every time I stopped to chart, but it sounds like you might need something more around the size of a quart to strap to you.

Best of luck!

Bible Humor (youtube.com)
[–] Apytele 1 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) (2 children)

Nope, high acuity psych RN (although I recently moved to a lower acuity hospital who will treat me better). Doctors are doctors. Psych does a looot more medical than you would think.

a) psych patients have difficulty caring and advocating for their health and are often exposed to dangerous situations like being homeless and exposed to the elements. Psych drugs and street drugs and general reduced self care are also REALLY hard on the teeth and you would be shocked how much your teeth affect your overall health

b) ERs will see a psych history in a chart and write off literally any symptom as a psych issue. You'll get little old ladies they say have dementia who really just have utis, thyroid imbalances, severe vitamin and mineral deficiencies, and every once in a while something serious like hypoxia or a stroke that they call psych because the patient was unpleasant enough while sick that they didn't wanna deal with it so they didn't assess fully. It's your problem now! Watchu gonna do about it?

And a good GP is worth their weight in gold, especially out in the sticks you're often the only Healthcare a lot of people ever really get (look at dr glaucomfleckens YouTube shorts on rural med if you need a good laugh tonight). So you're gonna see a lot of the same stuff the psych does but less weirdness and more medical (but not too much different in either way lol).

But for either job you need a very accurate and sensitive bullshit / "something just ain't right here" meter. I have met so many docs, even some crap psychiatrists, who just have 0 critical thinking or situational awareness skills.

So for instance if you have a wandering little old lady that sucks and I just need to keep a good eye on her and go pull her out of other people's rooms quickly when I see her going. But if she's wandering AND a lil frisky? I need a 1:1 care order and maybe some heavy duty emergency agitation meds before I'm peeling her out of somebody else's bed and having to call the state about a sexual assault incident. That one little detail completely changes the entire situation and you have to have some common sense to be able to manage it. And common sense ain't as common as you'd hope.

Same for the GP; if a domestic violence victim comes in for something unrelated like a bladder infection, are you gonna spot the old and new bruises and charged demeanor from the last time you saw them? And what're you gonna do about it?

Sure you're not an intensivist handling strokes PEs and kidney failure or an emergency doc responding to gunshots MVAs and heart attacks but you're trading it for knowing how to deal with people and both the intensivist and ED doc would probably both admit to you that that TERRIFIES them. I myself like working overnight high acuity with a violent meth detoxer telling me how they're going to rape and murder me all night because visiting hours end immediately after my shift starts so I get to kick out their weirdly overly involved mother who is in the bed with them under the blankets spoon feeding them and I don't have to explain to her that it's really because she's fucking creepy and if she wasn't a weirdo she could've maybe got 15 more minutes.

[–] Apytele 3 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (1 children)

Idk but anecdotally it gives. This is the website at the bottom, but like you said, no idea what the FBI has to do with it.

[–] Apytele 3 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

See this is why I couldn't work corrections. I love them so much (they're so creative) and I can't stand to watch them suffer. Also I already have problems with psych techs charting 170 / bust in the water main pressures and not telling me, I do NOT want to deal with COs "diagnosing" pseudoseizures on the spot and just walking off and leaving somebody to flop without a damn word to anybody.

[–] Apytele 2 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (4 children)

Yeah they covered this is peds but that was literally my worst subject after l&d and it was 5 years ago lol. Couldn't remember which one. I can tell you the risk factors for development of a personality disorder and rattle off the lifetime AND per shift screening / risk factors for violence up down and sideways tho.

[–] Apytele 23 points 5 days ago

You're my favorite commenter in this thread. Please enjoy this squid as a token of my affection: 🦑

[–] Apytele 1 points 5 days ago (6 children)

Imma guess PDA. My gut says "the fetus forgot to finish patching up that one last little part before it came out" actually happens pretty damn often.

[–] Apytele 1 points 5 days ago

Also maybe less black mold. Idk if that's a problem there but it is where I live.

[–] Apytele 10 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

I have no idea but I strongly admire your spirit of inquiry. I've always felt it was an odd name but was never able to fully articulate why.

[–] Apytele 19 points 5 days ago (1 children)

And when they do raise issues like sexual assault against men, it's pretty much only ever as a counterpoint to derail discussions about sexual assault against women and avoid doing anything about either, which I would argue is also pretty disrespectful towards men.


I still have my ex's bathrobe that he grew out of, and that was two exes and over 10 years ago. It's a lightweight flannel that already had a slightly worn texture when he gave it to me but that literally has not changed in the decade since. It's not that "plush" stuff that gets weird and chunky within a few months, and it's not that super thin knit that gets holes within a few years. It doesn't have any of those whisps of thread that people like because they're soft but that get caught on calluses and hangnails and drive me insane. It's a horrible shade of dark green / navy plaid when I normally go for a more boho / mystical look but I would 100% perform magic spells in it anyway because it is that fucking comfortable. I've considered getting it embroidered just for some extra rizz but I worry it would get scratchy. 10/10 would steal from my ex again.

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by Apytele to c/[email protected]


old woman's mouth opens in a demonic scream before she jumps onto the wall and begins climbing it

Remember kids, if granny suddenly gets real weird, take her to the hospital.

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by Apytele to c/[email protected]
submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by Apytele to c/[email protected]

Current out-of-bounds item list for reference:

  • Fidget and other sensory toys because I feel like moving in a certain way purely for the sake of itself isn't in the spirit of these challenges.
  • Alternative "wellness" products that largely function as placebos by being in the general vicinity of a person such as crystals and "energy focusing copper coils" and the like. Weird looking traditional instruments like a special type of gong or something are acceptable.
  • Specialty massage products are fine provided they're mostly used to massage an area other than the genitals (at least, assuming I can tell, but I'm fairly knowledgeable in that area). I do not use sex toys at all for these challenges (that's just not what my aim here is). It's also still ok if the specific massage philosophy claims to have other, pseudo-scientific benefits such as for chiropracty or acupuncture, as long as the tool itself is an actual massage tool.
  • objects that are mostly or entirely ornamental / decorative in nature like jewelry and sculptures. I'll still use something that is an ornamental version of something that has a specific non-ornamental purpose (ex: a lot of traditional fibercraft tools or recreational drug equipment for weed or caffeine). Hair ornaments and pins are fine as long as they have some specific niche use such as ornamental hair rollers or having an interesting closure for pinning your shawl in a specific way or something.
  • tools that are too broadly applicable such as specialty abrasive drill bits or specialty brushes where what makes them use specific is stuff like size shape and bristle stiffness which are still pretty broadly applicable (a little brush with a long handle has a looot of different uses, think about everything you can do with a used toothbrush).

I just finished working a twelve hour shift on that foot and I knew the skin had been broken but was wondering if a bruise had formed. Idk if you can tell from the picture but it's roughly quarter-sized. The cat, by the way, moved over to the mat by the kitchen sink to finish puking.

  • Fidget and other sensory toys because I feel like moving in a certain way purely for the sake of itself isn't in the spirit of these challenges.
  • Alternative "wellness" products that largely function as placebos by being in the general vicinity of a person such as crystals and "energy focusing copper coils" and the like. Weird looking traditional instruments like a special type of gong or something are acceptable.
  • Specialty massage products are fine provided they're mostly used to massage an area other than the genitals (at least, assuming I can tell, but I'm fairly knowledgeable in that area). I do not use sex toys at all for these challenges (that's just not what my aim here is). It's also still ok if the specific massage philosophy claims to have other, pseudo-scientific benefits such as for chiropracty or acupuncture, as long as the tool itself is an actual massage tool.
  • objects that are mostly or entirely ornamental / decorative in nature like jewelry and sculptures. I'll still use something that is an ornamental version of something that has a specific non-ornamental purpose (ex: a lot of traditional fibercraft tools or recreational drug equipment for weed or caffeine). Hair ornaments and pins are fine as long as they have some specific niche use such as ornamental hair rollers or having an interesting closure for pinning your shawl in a specific way or something.
  • tools that are too broadly applicable such as specialty abrasive drill bits or specialty brushes where what makes them use specific is stuff like size shape and bristle stiffness which are still pretty broadly applicable (a little brush with a long handle has a looot of different uses, think about everything you can do with a used toothbrush).

Just waiting on my library hold for System Collapse. Can't get over the belligerent Asexual tension. 10/10 thus far.

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by Apytele to c/[email protected]
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