You can Photoshop your body just like they did.
Well I'm sure Merrick "Nap Time" Garland is going to get right on it.
Oh rest assured I'm not gonna read it.
The Morcovado on the top of the mountain is a nice touch.
Perhap$ he can be per$uaded
Nobody's gonna mention that this is an F-16B cockpit and Ukraine got single-seater F-16MLUs?
Can't even enjoy this any more, I'm like sandpaper atm.
We all know it's going to be finished by Brandon Sanderson, the Computer Associates of moribund, out-of-control fantasy series.
Yeah I ain't reading this shit any more.
On that Apple shit
Yeah it's made explicit with dialog in the show that the Enterprise itself is Kirk's primary obsession.
Yeah. Getting stood up is part of the online dating scene now. I'm a woman and have been stood up enough that I don't agree to meet anybody in a place I wouldn't want to go to by myself anyway, and don't put any more effort into my appearance than I would have anyway.
I found a bar that has a club night in a theme that works for me, and showing up and hanging out there has been a far more efficient use of time in terms of getting dates.
I feel like people on sites are looking for reasons to say no, people who have already put in the effort to be somewhere are looking for reasons to say yes. Just a totally different vibe.
Threatening a federal official is already a federal crime.
But it's Republicans doing it so the FBI doesn't give a shit. Hell there are probably FBI members in the militia (zero doubt local law enforcement is involved).