"I care about my children, which is why I piled them into this deathtrap."
A place to post your Cybertruck fails! We're here to make fun of this hunk of shit and throw as much shade as we can to that garbage bag of a human elon.
No doxxing No slurs No racism And no fucking nazis!
I will protect my kids from obscenities by instead presenting them with toxic violence.
I don't vote. I care about my children. Somehow these are compatible statements
His children don't nead to hear about things he doesnt like, yet he thinks it's a good example to escalate someone calling him a name to assault/battery.
"dont swear at me with my kids around or i will beat the shit out of you in front of my kids and scar them for life!"
It's also assuming they win. If you physically assault someone they have the right to defend themselves or in many states fill them with lead. None of those situations are good for the children. Watching your parent get the shit kicked out of them or killed on the street isn't how you should be teaching your kids how to not get the shit kicked out of them or killed on the street.
This was part of the reason I quit social media. Posts like this that are on people's walls that have 'walking hardon' energy. Like nobody that's confronting you is reading that, just your friends. And you know this.
"I don't vote" yeah that's just as bad as voting republican.
"I don't care about Elon and I'm not political and I don't vote"
Translated to Magatese
"I sweat Elon's balls and voted for Trump twice and I listen to Steve Bannon podcasts every day"
Honestly, I feel like it's worse. I can understand a hateful fuck being gleeful over shit like concentration camps and whatnot, but to see something like that and be indifferent? I can't relate to that in any way. I wouldn't believe anyone like that exists if the evidence of them weren't so prevalent. It feels inhuman. It's the kind of reaction I'd expect from a toad or an inanimate object.
Crazy that swearing in front of kids is bad but watching their dad fight someone is good. Maybe less about protecting his kids and more about insecurity.
Poor snowflake, they hurt her feelings :(
If they really cared about their kids, then they wouldnt bought the most dangerous vehicle on the roads...
I left the USA in 2019 but when I lived there, I had a 9mm with me when I left the house including when I was driving or riding my bicycle. More likely this tough guy would end up on the news and his 2 year old would end up an orphan. Only a fool thinks they can run up on someone else in America and it's going to be fine. Main character syndrome.
Ive been yelling fuck elon musk at people in tesla vehicles since way before it was cool!!
God it would be hilarious if someone tried to pull me out of my car. Those kids will get a real lesson about their dad and consequences.
I find it fairly reasonable to ask that you don't swear around kids. Unless they always have their kids with them to be used as a shield. Which, I mean... Elon did it, of course his followers would follow his lead. 🤷🏻♂️
i've never understood why that's reasonable, how is swearing harming kids?
"when they r in the car"
Literacy skills that match the opinion 🤣
cringe but also, so is being verbally aggressive around children over a car
It's not about the car, but what it symbolizes.
I really couldn't give a shit for your kids if you're essentially okay with mine being sent to prisons in El Salvador. This is known as tit-for-tat (or eye-for-an-eye) and is actually the optimal negotiation strategy.
is actually the optimal negotiation strategy
babylon wants its ideology back
"All that is old becomes new"
why censor it?
Don't want anybody to try it and get hurt by the dude. He's realy dangerous, you know?
Seems like it's just good, honest, hard working people buying these trucks..