I cannot paint a wall without making a complete mess. I have even managed to get paint in my car during a project.
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I cannot navigate without a map. I can learn specific routes to places after lots of repetition, but if I try to figure how to get somewhere by sense of direction and knowing where things are alone I will very likely have no idea where to go.
I'm the opposite. Hand me a map and I'm absolutely clueless. But if you tell me "xyz place is by [redacted] theater" I'll be able to find it a lot faster than looking at any sort of map. Only works in my hometown, though.
Are you neurodiverse? It can be a sign of dyspraxia, autism, ADHD and dyslexia. Loads of people are neurodiverse but have no idea
I feel like that one is pretty common. My daughter is very frustrated that her friends could navigate anywhere and she's clueless. Smart as hell in most regards, but can't navigate
Anything musical. I can't sing on key and can't keep a beat to save my life. I'm not tone deaf, I can hear pitch and I know how to read music and can do it all in my head, but can't translate it to my mouth or fingers.
Using modern video game controllers. Desktop and mobile games I can do, but I feel like I must be in the bottom 1% for skill with a controller among my peers.
Being able to visualize anything in my mind. Salty as fuck about it.
Same, or at least I can't "hold onto" anything I try to visualize. I can manage a brief flash of a vague image. I wonder if it's related to my near complete inability to recognize faces.
Well, considering most people look the same or very similar to me, I'd say yes, it's related.
The condition is called aphantasia, in case you didn't know and want to read more, but not much is known about it.
Edit: Another thing I realized sometime last year is that I have trouble remembering where I left things, constantly looking for something. Turns out people usually visualise where they left stuff.
Same. I can barely even dream, something most aphantasiacs can at least do regularly.
Sorry to hear that, that must suck, I at least occasionally dream visually. One "funny" episode that ties to that: Recently I was in a half-asleep state and saw some visual stuff in my mind and I was so excited that my aphantasia fixed itself just like that and that excitement woke me up and I realized what happened.
Have you looked into dyspraxia? It can be a sign of it. I have it and can't visualise for shit.
Some of it sounds like me, but I'd say not enough to self-diagnose with dyspraxia (like 3 points of that list partially). What sounds more like me is good old aphantasia, it even has a few symptoms in common with dyspraxia.
Could well be
Most people I know can snap their fingers. I cannot. When I do, it barely makes a sound.
I came here to say this!! People have tried to teach me but I just can't do it.
I can't for the life of me. No tongue twisting or fingers in my mouth help at all.
My girlfriend can whistle, but only the one note. I can't figure out how to explain to her how to change note.
My mom is kind of like this. She can change the note, but only a semitone or so in either direction.
I know some people have some success with whispering the letter Q or the word cue / queue very slowly while breathing out.
This advice is brilliant!
Troubleshooting printers. I have a bachelor's in physics and 8 years of experience in IT and management. I cannot (and refuse to) fix a printer
That’s because printers were not made by humans, but god to punish us for our sins.
I can't keep my shoes tied to save my life. I feel like a toddler. They will come untied within 5-10 minutes of tying them unless they're double knotted.
I've done my best to get rid of shoes with laces in my life because it's both humiliating and so frustrating
If you do end up in shoes you need to tie. The issue may be that when you tie your shoes the knot is a granny knot instead of a square knot. To make the square knot,
take both strands Pass left around right Make a loop with the left and wrap the right lace over and around and pull through as a bow.
You can check if you got it, depend on if the bow is straight across side-to-side. If the bow ears are crooked or up-down, it is a granny knot. You can undo the last step and wrap the opposite direction. Hope this helps!
Look into products like “lock laces”. I can tie my shoes but I hate doing it (I’d rather slip my shoes on and they never stay tied or tight anyway). Elastic laces with a cinch works great.
Combination locks. Tell me to memorize a sheet of numbers, fine. Tell me to open a combination lock combination 03-03-03, I need the locks manual on hand.
Planning and visualisation.
I feel like what is described in the first Dune book - an animal.
I only react, I don't plan, and I can only really empathize with something/someone if I experience it myself.
Also, I can't cry, not without some cheesy ass music playing in some really sad scene in a movie/show.
2d platformers. My brain just doesn't process all of the buttons that I have to click in the right order.
Anything athletic; unusual in the fact I'm healthy/slim/etc. Name a single sport or exercise and I wouldn't even have the basics down. Except for any aquatic activities which I just never got the hang of (can't even swim), when taking physical tests at school which were often timed, I'd do what my teacher would call trolling the grading system by starting out laggy/slow, followed by performing a nanosecond better each time to fulfill expectations.