It an unfortunate reality in car-centric towns, but this can be a valid concern for small businesses in downtown areas. Lack of parking can translate to customers simply not showing up.
Screenshots of people being insane on Facebook. Please censor names/pics of end users in screenshots. Please follow the rules of
You know what helps people show up to businesses the most? Living nearby.
The housing, mixed with pedestrian/cycle friendly planning, more than makes up for lost parking.
True, but it is still gross to me
I have an email!
Oh man how'd you manage that? I hear those are super hard to get.
Very exclusive. Invite only. It's a perk - you might say a "plus" - of Google!
Wait a second....
If only there was a way to build some kind of vertical parking lot... Maybe even several levels... And then put the apartments above that
Honestly, imo, areas of strictly commercial/industrial parking should be illegal... Put housing or solar over them
If we dropped 160 downtown parking spots, either in the "big town" or my town, you couldn't go there. Private and business properties won't let you park anywhere close. Only way around it would be a monster parking garage and non-stop shuttles, which I'd be cool with.
I wonder how much overlap there is between people who think it's wrong to oppose the construction of low-income housing nearby and people who live near low-income housing.
Fair point
Surely there is more than one place that low income housing can be built in a town, and discussion of where that should be is not per se insanity.
I don't want an animal shelter built next door to my house. They are very, very noisy. Does that mean I hate puppies and want them all euthanized?
Good point
Random totally related story - The last place I lived at most people didn't want any more housing whatsoever (affordable or otherwise). It was a major issue for town elections. Those same people were also complaining that the town wasn't growing 🙄
Surely there is more than one place workers and people trying to enjoy downtown can park.
I assume they considered more than one location for this project, and I'm confident every possible location would elicit complaints on facebook. Discussions should be had, but I'm still being judgemental of this facebook post.
Well, this would have been 160 people, who society forced to live in vans, taking up those spots anyway, so... sorry Karen, but you would have lost that lot regardless.
Okay you have an email
My favorite part
(I also have an email)
(Do you have an email?)