I'd go with Snickers since according to the first search result, that's the #1 candy bar. If you can only make one, you want a sure winner since you can't diversify. Probably not the answer Avery was looking for though lol
Bello Bear
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LOL that's way to logical! I got a few other favs including Reeces Sticks, but year in year out I come back to Wachamacallit.
Whatchamacallit is a vastly underrated treat.
It's not as forgotten as something like a zero bar, but I think that it's one of those things where because it had more than one note, it didn't set off fireworks in kids' heads, so it didn't stick in memory as much as something like a milky way or whatever.
A lot of the candies that used to be popular when I was a kid, it was all about the sugar bomb, and whatchamacallits just didn't have as much of that as the bigger names.
Well said. I always thought Wachamacallit was what Krackel aspired to be.
Heck yeah :)