If Leon hadn’t turned into such a jackass, it would be a good option. Both with the steel skin and they’re both pretty shitty vehicles too.
Agreed and thanks for the feedback.
Thanks for the feedback! Rereading it now, I messed up the conversation a bit there. Still honing my craft.
I don't how I miss these things. By the time I'm ready to publish, I've read it 100 times.
Good question!
Helps my sanity. I also hold conversations with our dog. Not sure she understands any of it, but she’ll hold eye contact.
100% this. With so much barraging us media and life wise, my focus was to be chill compared to most things out there. I’m not necessarily looking for a LOL or LMAO, but a chuckle or a smile. I’m still honing my craft so the humor will tighten and get better, but I always want it light hearted. Thanks for reading!
Thanks for checking it out and appreciate the feedback.
Good idea, thank you.
That’s exactly what I did. Will use yours going forward, thanks ;)
I love both. Gun to my head, I’d probably pick Star Trek.