Thank you for loving someone in the world and not expecting the love to be returned. You have a great heart and an unbelievable emotional constitution. You are making the world a better place!
typical internet cats. videos, pics, memes welcome!
rule 1) be kind
other cat communities cats
Work I could never do because of the heartbreak at the end. I salute you.
The thing is, I don't get emotionally too involved when I go in with the clear expectation that only a PERFECT fit for Miez will stay. It's more like when I visit others and there is a cat there. I always get along with cats best (way better than with children and even with most people). Before you ask, yes, I'm definitely on the spectrum somewhere but without diagnosis.
I could not emotionally handle fostering. So cute!
I guess I have always been hyper-rational. I know we don't connect and know she does with the other lady, and I know I will have many other cats to take (temporary) care of. While I enjoyed taking care of her, I still think that it's for the best this way. Maybe one day I will keep a foster cat as my own additionally to Miez, but only if they get along perfectly, which wasn't the case here. Indira is way too energetic for Miez.
Thank you for providing a safe and stable home for her to grow and play in until she could meet her Forever Friend! And thanks to Miez for demonstrating the kitty basics!
Really awesome you have this mental and emotional compacity. What you are doing is truly compassionate :) I get so attached to my cute cats that I couldn’t let them go but I understand the value in what you’re doing. Smart to look for the perfect match. My Chinese and America cats have a Cold War going on
You are a legend
🤩 I love her! While you two didn't connect personally, I'm glad she'll now have a great home... Thank you for caring for her!!!
Ich kann kein Deutsch.
She seems so sweet! Thanks for fostering her.
The void is spreading!