You are technically correct. The best kind of correct.
Data Is Beautiful
A place to share and discuss data visualizations. #dataviz
Looks right to me
Hey, cats can't talk!
No, but the ship's universal translator converts my meows into text so that I can post on Lemmy.
It was wildly difficult to set up, but the captain signed off on it after Geordi mumbled something about "federation" to him.
You were supposed to say "Meow" and then I was gonna post the picture of Homer saying "Damn straight".
You're a pretty cat, and a good cat.
Thank you for noticing, friend.
That is indeed a very sexy and interesting piece of Data (wink wink, nudge nudge)
He's fully functional.
What's the Lore of this picture? And why is the Hugh of his
This picture was taken B-4 he was in the show.
Way to Dahj the bullet!
Data: check
Beautiful: check
I’m no expert, but this looks pretty cut and dried.
You definetly do
Good post
Data is one of my favorite uses of androids as a metaphor for neurotypicality. Up there with the T2 T-800.
So we’re just stealing the top posts of all time from Reddit now?
I made this because I'm a trekker and saw the community pop up in all. But just out of curiosity I went and looked at the top 100 of all time for and my favorite android is not in it so not sure what you mean.
Way to assume we've seen this.
The Data appears accurate.
Comrade Data on the War in Ukraine, "This is just a thing... and things can be replaced. Lives cannot."
Can confirm this is some gorgeous Data.
That is correct.
I know I'm jumping to another universe but when you died I ugly-cried for 10 minutes at minimum.
It's ok. Phendorana and I are hanging out on the spiritual plane with ~~Venli~~ Eshonai.
You have understood us well!
lol. Who did you piss off to get 9 downvotes in 6 minutes for this harmless comment?
Image Transcription:
A picture of the character Data from the Star Trek series.
[I am a human, if I've made a mistake please message and let me know. Please consider providing alt-text for ease of use. Thank you. 💜]