Why do these European charts omit the UK?
We left the EU, not the bloody continent.
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Originally r/DataisBeautiful
Why do these European charts omit the UK?
We left the EU, not the bloody continent.
The data is provided by Eurostat. An EU organisation, they are not going to fund numbers for a country not in the EU anymore (some other countries might still join for various reasons.)
Look at "them there" red states. Life is cheap south of the Mason Dixon Line.
What’s up with New Hampshire that it’s on par with the EU countries?
NH has the lowest poverty rate of all the states. Plus it's generally cold and rural so people are more isolated and chill.
Why is Mississipi not first on this list too? Louisiana seems off the charts. Any explanation for that?
Have you been to Louisiana?
I spent a good bit of time growing up there. This does not surprise me.
Also, New Orleans was like, murder capital of the world per capita at one point in time.
But generally, the reasons are the obvious ones: Extreme bigotry, racism, and most importantly, some of the worst poverty in the world for any first world country is there. Poverty creates violence. It's just how humans/the world work. When you don't have enough/can't get a job through legal means to survive, you turn to crime.
Missouri is actually #1 if you count all the copicides.
Ah yes, the mostly aptly named state, misery.
Imagine how bad it would be if Americans didn't have guns to defend themselves.
And if those guns didn't have guns of their own.
Latvia is the Louisiana of Europe
Alternatively, Louisiana is the Latvia of the United States. But with fewer social programs.
Just want to point out the graph maxes out at 12.5 out of 100,000. That’s 0.01% of 100000. With Louisiana’s population of 4.57million, it comes out to 571 people in 2020. Feels pretty low.
Denmark, with a population of 5.8 million in 2020, had 42 (0.72 per 100000). 571 seems absolutely astronomical.
It’s most definitely a difference, it is also important to note this chart broke the US down into its states but did not do the same for the larger European countries. Taking data from statistica, Paris has a 10.2, the rest of the country is just so much more peaceful the overall is brought down. If America is taken at a whole it has a 6.3, which is still higher but not astronomically compared to the other countries.
In relation to countries outside of Europe, 571 does not seem astronomically high anymore, more like a miracle. Nearly every country in South America, Asia, and Africa that has data is much higher than the US average.
Valid points
Not to brag but at least Illinois isn't the worst. That, as usual, goes to the Worst State in the Union in over 90% of all categories, Louisiana.
Lousy Ana
UK isn't included for some reason, but in 2020 it was 1.00.
I eanted to say "Duh brexit" but as switzerland is also included and some other non-eu states...