It's bent out of shape; you need to install flatpak
Shitty sysadmin
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This community is for shit posting about terrible things computer admin do. Cross posts are welcome and so is satire.
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It came with snap and the user snapped.
someone got it nixed
Ctrl + Z
Thanks that worked
/sfc scannow
dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth
Now we just need reboot in safe mode
and reset windows
and we have the four horsemen of Microsoft support forums
Have you tried turning it off and turning it on again?
put it in rice overnight
Could not recreate issue.
Closing ticket.
It's HP... No hope.
Oh, and it's a tad bent.
Install debian it runs on even the lowest resources
If Debian is too heavy, try puppy Linux for even lower resource usage and because puppies are cute.
That new Tesla Cyber Laptop looks difficult to use.
Sell to art museum and buy a new one for the money
I would like 4 money for this art please!
Cosmetic damage, no lowballers, $1000 firm, I know what I have!
Have you tried ironing out the wrinkles?
Try some WD-40
Have you tried forcing an unexpected reboot?
The most important part is making sure the computer doesn't see it coming so it's truly unexpected
"helloo, I.T." "Have you tried turning it off and back on again?"
I've seen Linux fix worse cases.
Ever try mint?
You’ll need a DeLorean and some plutonium.
Patent that shape. Call it ergo 2 electric boogaloo, buy a non ergo 2 model
I was issued an Elitebook for work. This is truly the best case scenario
Iron, no steam.
How much force is required to do that to a *laptop? Car accident level?
not a lot if it doesn't have a metal frame inside
Try to sell it as art
Make a shitton of cash
Buy a new laptop and still have a shitton of cash
(maybe remove SSDs and HDDs before step 1 if those are still in tact and depending on what kind of information was stored on the device)
Genius just paint it
Just grab a mallet amd hammer it flat again
Have you tried turning it off and then on again?
Just wipe it down with a damp cloth (not dripping, just damp). It'll be as good as new.
I don't know, what's wrong with it?
Anger management
remove snapd
That’s what you get for not upgrading to 11
if it boots up, ram, storage, video adapter, cpu, and usb slot is intact then propably yes
Disassemble entirely, hammer shell back into shape. If shell can't be salvaged, buy a mid tower and a CPU cooler. Desolder CPU, GPU, and RAM. Disconnect SSD and fans. Resolder chips back onto new motherboard. Replace display, keyboard, and touchpad. Put everything else back together.
Laptop fixed/laptop is now desktop.