I'm 5'12"
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Originally r/DataisBeautiful
That’s what my six foot tall mother used to say.
I used to say I was 5' 15". The number of times people would say "no way, your at least 6 feet" or something similar is amazing.
Resident evil mommy?
6'1" is also lower than the other side of the curve, which suggests people just like to round up or down to 6'.
It actually makes a lot of sense, to me anyway, why the left portion would be more heavily weighted.
6’-0” and up is pretty rare as far as the world goes. 6’-5” is kinda the ceiling for humans barring some exceptions and there are plenty of reasons to stop growing on the way to it while there isn’t really any way to grow bigger.
6'6" checking in. Not often I see someone taller than me :-)
I worked with a fella who was 6’8” or more. He was like looking at a natural wonder. Very sweet dude though.
I bet, but even I think that and I’m much shorter. Most of my life I’ve phrased it as I’m taller than average but not tall. But people seem to be shrinking faster than I am: it really seems like I’m taller than more and more people as time goes on
I bet 6'1" is accurate, if the mean of the curve was where it's supposed to be instead of at 5'10"
If I had that one inch I'd own it
i wonder if this rounding also exists in metric countries, i could see people writing 190cm if they're 189.
I honestly don't know how tall I am. I know I'm taller than last time I was seriously measured, but I don't know by how much and I don't care. But everyone shrinks during the day anyway. Measuring height to precise centimeters has just a little more sense than weighing someone with precision of ⅒ of kilogram. I have basically no chance but to estimate and possibly round.
Definitely not me. I'm 190cm with shoes I swear!
Just use centimeters, Jesus.
What about the apostles?
They all do too, except for Judas, we know he uses inches.
I remember a post by OKCupid noticing the same phenomenon at 179 cm countries that use metric.
'Hmmm' material
I'm 5'11" without shoes and I can't imagine why anyone would lie about that lol like why wouldn't you just say your 6' tall at that point if you're lying anyway?
Goofy story time!
I’m 5’11 ¾”. Like, distinctly not 6’, but every doctor always puts me down as 6’ “for my ego” despite me not really caring one way or another. Well, I’ve put down 5’ 11” on official documents before, and had flags thrown up for the discrepancy. So at this point, I have to write 6’ because it’s what my medical records say, but not my actual height.
Brother from 5'11 and an half till 6'00 and an half the correct rounding is 6'00.
You truly are 6'00 as far as accurate measuring is concerned.
You aren’t wrong, but my sister’s height for instance was recorded to the nearest quarter at the same pediatrician’s office.
I’ve put down 5’ 11” on official documents before, and had flags thrown up for the discrepancy.
What does this mean?? You've had the police or government or something investigate you because of a 1-inch height difference between different records!?
Far less dramatic, I was questioned about it before a surgery once. “Official” probably sounded scarier than I meant it
I’m 6’-4.75” (how did you do that 3/4?!?) but say 6’-5”. It’s faster, a quarter inch is basically nothing, wearing socks or shoes changes it, no one is anywhere near my height to moan about it, and frankly being precise would just make me sound like more of a douche than adding ~0.25”.
I’d even rather say “juuuust under six-five” than “six-foot-four-and-three-quarters”.
Pretty much the story of my life, I find that more often than not everyone rounds it up to 6 for us.
I'm 5'11"and I like to say "I'm 6' when I wear my heelys." People aren't ready for it. They especially aren't ready when I actually heely away.
I don't measure myself in steps
Just using this data to show how stupidly wealth is currently distributed in the country assuming 5'11" or 1.8 meters average if we converted this into 2022 wealth values with average income of 61,136, top 1% as 785,968 (12.9x), and 0.1% 2.8 million (458x) the top 1% height would be 23.22 meters and 0.1% would be 824.4 meters tall.
I'm pretty high and I can't make an ounce of sense of what you're on about
Naturally occurring normal numeric distributions will tend towards a bell shape, or curve, as you acquire observations. Artificial distributions like income will follow a different curve that is sometimes difficult to visualize especially when the differences are measured in millions or billions. It's easier to visualize the differences in artificial distributions if you use a natural distribution as a familiar basis.
Tl;Dr Do you think Paul Bunyan and Paul Blart are related?
Only if they both know who took Karl
This is a nicely symmetric bell curve but a similar wealth distribution graph will show a miles long tail
As someone closer to 6'1" usually, I just go with 6' because it's easier. It's funny that both ends of 6' seem to just report 6'. The shorter side seems more likely to do this, obviously, but I think there's a lot of people like me who just choose the slightly easier option too. I'd be curious if you got the same anomaly if multiple foot markers were within the majority of the normal distribution.
As weird as it seems, it may partly be external pressure.
My precise height is 5'11 and a half.
Each times it comes up in conversation, I tend to say I am 5'11, but people close to me insist I am 6'.
I feel like nobody would insist if I was 5'10 and a half that I am 5'11, it’s just the magic 6' number that make people weird.
I only ever get measured without shoes on at the doctor these days. I've been 6'6'' since I was 16 or so. My shoes would add probably another inch.
I wonder if that’s what happened to me ….. I’ve been 6’2” or 6’2.5” for my entire adult life, but there was at least one time the doctors office measured me at 6’3”, maybe I had shoes on. I have to admit to using that some of the time even though it’s an outlying data point
Part of it is that my ex was exactly a foot shorter. At some point she started calling herself 5’3” so I had to continue being a foot taller than that
So most men are 5-9 and 5-11 adjusted for lying.
6'7 💪😎💪
Shit, I used to be a cunt hair under 6 foot (so little below it that just shifting posture could take it over by a quarter inch, or under by the same).
Now, I'm a cunt hair over 5 10. Spine issues for the lose?
But some of my records still show me at 6 even, and that's what I tend to put down when I'm not thinking about it. Years of habit.