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Helldivers 2
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Banner by Noobmasterpro
Nice! Can't wait for Tuesday, really feels like they're cooking on the update.
Excellent... Thanks for the reference
I hope this patch will make more layouts fun. I don't care about the railgun or flamethrower. Those wheels are squeaky enough. I wish they did something to the air burst rocket and utility strategems. I would like to be an air burst main but its uses are quite limited. Maybe it's a skill issue.
BTW, it's a good time to return to civilian life and check out Satisfactory 1.0.
I haven't heard of it. Looks like a cross between Factorio and No Man's Sky.
It's an automation / factory game, first person view. Does not contain bile titans or unsafe railguns.
You didn't warn me about the >!mother fucking spiders!<! I almost shit myself.
Oops, my bad. I didn't know about them at time of posting. You should play more D&D. >Always expect the DM to drop those bastards in any cave. <
Depending on how you design your transport tubes, I feel like they could turn into a rail gun. Or I suppose a railcannon
Your commit to freedom and liberty is awe inspiring. o7
Does not contain bile titans or unsafe railguns.
Well, I suppose we can't all be perfect.
Lol so I just told my son you recommended this game and we'd have to check it out. He rolled his eyes at me and said "Daaaad we already have this game. You bought it for me years ago when it was in early access."
So yeah... Score! I already have it in my Steam library!
I might give the game a shot again whenever the big update drops. They took away way too many fun stuff in the past months, it was such an unnecesary move on their behalf. Could've easily taken GOTY if they didn't burn down the playerbase so hard.
Railgun is my fav support weapon. This buff is insane.
I honestly haven't tried it yet. I was having too much fun last night with the flamethrower. I'll have to give it a shot.
Sorry, should have been more clear. It's always been my favorite, and adding this buff just pushes it over the top.