US Authoritarianism
ChonkyOwlbear is an Illegitimate Usurper
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Right wing nut jobs do fascism.
Yes liberals aren't great and all. But this is sort of brain injury levels of dysfunction. A state level issue in a state where it's elected officials are attacking the citizens. And people whine about why the out of power largely unelected group isn't exercising more power? Because your mother f****** neighbors didn't put them in power. For all the problems liberals have. This is a voter problem. I'm not sure what they're hoping or expecting? New York or California to invade and set up a provisional government pending new elections?
People who bitch about "the libs" are usually tankies so anything short of rising up in violence to "do somthing" is doing nothing.
I don't know that I would go quite that far. But if I had a dollar for every time I saw someone doing that. And then looking at their Post history to see them defending similar actions elsewhere. I would have a nice little nest egg.
There absolutely are genuine criticisms of capitalism. Unfortunately people often disingenuously make them. Especially leninists. If there's two groups who have no business criticizing each other it's capitalists and leninists. They're both just awful.
Ronnie, you silly goof. What will you do when you term-limit out of power and have no one you can bully. I think I'll start sending you love letters about how I want to lick the pudding from your fingers while gazing into your heartless empty eyes.
Pretty sure in Florida he can come back for another 2 terms after sitting 1 term out
Is not voter intimidation illegal?
If this is like California, the proposition process allows the gathering of signatures and if enough are collected, the proposition goes to the ballot for direct democracy vote, bypassing the legislature in many cases.
I’ve never heard of police going to verify signatures directly. But it’s not technically voting.
Similar in Florida, after enough voted the amendment is placed onto the ballot and needs to get over 60% of votes on election night. I’ve never heard of officers investigating indivual petitioners, but petition / signature fraud is illegal, so I don’t believe this is technically voter intimidation.
Oh it’s definitely voter intimidation, they’re just using the law as a thinly veiled excuse to do it.
If someone put their name down for something, and the cops come knocking on their door about it, how many people do you think are really going to follow through and vote.
If they can find you because of a signature, they might find how you voted. And who’s to say they’ll just be asking questions next time.
This is classic mob tactics.
Generally, verifying signatures is a function of the Auditor's office, but who knows, maybe the swat team does that in Florida.
Going to call the cops on the cops.
wdym, this sounds unconstitutional as hell
Watch as nothing happens and Floridians still elect a representative that wipes his arse with the constitution at every election
At what point does Biden send in the national guard to liberate these poor people from dictatorship? He's legally allowed to do it now right?
The constitution is an outdated pact between slavers in order to violently control people. It's working as intended. It's actually not a magic document from god.
TIL great wiki article
Pretty sure the liberal answer is "organize, donate, and for fucks sake, go vote" to keep these assholes from getting more power.
The leftist answer is to do nothing and just endlessly complain about liberals on the internet.
Leftist or tankie? Because plenty of leftists are sick of the blame the liberals schtick.
True, but plenty of them aren't though...
And where is the DOJ? This sounds super unconstitutional.
Merrick Garland isn't going to interrupt a conservative colleague unless congress publicly shames him first.
Okay, sure, it sounds unconstitutional. And yes, it does appear that this DOJ is sitting back and letting it happen. But the DOJ under Trump would be worse, so you have to say nice things about Merrick Garland.
"I won't answer any questions without my lawyer present. If you don't have a warrant please leave my property "
Soap box, ballot box, bullet box.
I wonder if these jack boots are wearing level 4 plates.
There is a solution to this, but it is not a peaceful or quick one. Most non-conservatives won't consider it. Most conservatives know this, and so they continue on their path to full oppression.
The continental US: Hey florida how you doing?
Dems have basically given up here in FL. It is rough out here.
Freeeeee speeeeeech
Betcha Elon "free speech absolutist" Musk has a lot to say about this. Any minute now.
That's what the periodic expansion of the Supreme Court is for... Should that happen, it won't be the first time it's expanded, and may not be the last. Seems to the officially nominated fix, but it might need to eventually be shrunk again if such a process is to work every time.