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The vegan place to discuss things.
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Vegans only.
Vegan btw.
idk about that image but here's something cool to chew on:
"@homo virido" on some platform, according to the Image
So no source.
Saving Grain? But don't you need to eat carbs for cheap energy anyways?
That's because cattle, pigs, and the like have to eat it, in order to be raised to the slaughterhouse, as meat...
Plants are fed to animals. More plants than would be used if you just ate the plants yourself.
Not really. I personally drink 132 gallons of water per day. It's my favorite beverage. I also eat 40 pounds of raw wheat daily, it's really tasty. I work as a logger, it makes good money. I also huff and puff like the Big Bad Wolf so my CO2 output is pretty insane. Anything to save that 1 animal though. Vegan btw