Fuck that
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Hard agree. Online massive multi-player games have become gross money grabs with all of the worst modern BS like micro transactions, loot boxes etc. Maybe Sega will prove me wrong but I wouldn't bet on it.
It very well could be they’re overhyping what is ultimately just Crazy Taxi but as you drive around, other players are instanced in and out (a la Sea of Thieves) to make it feel more dynamic.
Unless they change the game formula heavily, it’s not the kind of game you sit and play all night every night like other MMOs strive to be.
Can they make a mobile app where you are the person who needs the taxi lol
Ya! Ya! Ya! Ya! Ya!!
They could call it Uride or maybe Passynger?
All I 'need' now is for them to ruin jet set radio somehow and I'll be back on the waiting for something interesting to be announced train.
Now announcing Jet Set Mobile! Our first battle royale-style multiplayer mobile game! Upgrade the free trial now for instant access to the first wave of DLC.
I’m vomiting out of my eyes. Thanks 😭
That's cool but I'll wait for the MMO reboot of Tokyo Bus Tour.
Gta5 has a taxi mini game.