[-] [email protected] 9 points 2 days ago

It's not hard at all to face this as a leftist. You can acknowledge that homophobia and sexism are deeply rooted in Islamic religions while also recognizing that not every adherent is guilty of either. Pretending something isn't true because it's not pretty doesn't benefit anyone except those who would utilize the blind eye to continue to do harm to society.

[-] [email protected] 23 points 5 days ago

Yeah but the immunity ruling could be overturned by a future Supreme Co.. Oh, I see now.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 5 days ago

Say what you will about Newsom but he's an effective communicator who understands the issues. He knows how to effectively debate and while that shouldn't matter we all know it does. His only real liability is that right wing media has convinced Midwestern voters that California is a post apocalyptic hell hole.

[-] [email protected] 31 points 5 days ago

Hard agree. Online massive multi-player games have become gross money grabs with all of the worst modern BS like micro transactions, loot boxes etc. Maybe Sega will prove me wrong but I wouldn't bet on it.

[-] [email protected] 9 points 5 days ago

Outside of big cities taxis did have a big apocalypse though. I'm not saying I support their decline I'm only saying I've witnessed it.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 5 days ago

What are even talking about? I made my point clear that it's not age alone that's the issue but when there is age related cognitive decline then it becomes an issue. Do you really not see the difference? I had no problem with Bernie Sanders age because he was a sharp and effective leader who was able to effortlessly convey his thoughts and opinions. Biden is clearly confused and lost half the time. If you're telling me that you honestly can't see that then maybe it's you who isnt coherent enough to matter.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

Age isn't the issue. Bidens age related decline is the issue. If Biden we're still sharp and responsive it would be a different story but he's neither.

The primarys are a Joke anyway. People like Gavin Newsom know better than to run or they'd risk the ire of those running the party.

Until we abolish the two party system our country is screwed anyway. Neither of the two parties would ever do that so it's hopeless. Standing up for Joe at this point is just digging our countries own grave.

Joe is by far the least likely candidate to beat Trump despite the intense propaganda campaign being run right now. If Joe won't be replaced then we'd better get used to seeing Trump in the news all day every day because that's were we're heading.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 6 days ago

Because Biden isn't solid.

[-] [email protected] 6 points 6 days ago

They knew in 2020 that Joe was slipping but instead of trying to solve the problem then they did nothing but cover up the obvious issues. To go with the metaphor, Alfred was a good man doing the right thing. The modern Democrat party has no Alfred. Instead they now seems to care more about their party's own power over the actual good of the country. Very few people wanted Joe in 2020 but we were told we vote him in to save democracy and then run someone better in 2024. Now here we are going through the same loop. No, if the Democratic party refuses to run a candidate that the people want then we've already lost our democracy. Our two party only system is already a joke and it allows those in power to do whatever they want with the looming threat that the other team will destroy America. I'm sorry to say but the Joker is already in charge.

[-] [email protected] 278 points 10 months ago

The stock market and publicly traded companies. The idea that a business that is making consistent profits isn't good unless those profits are increased each quarter is asinine. This system of shortsighted hyper focus on short term quarterly growth for the sake of growth is the cause of so much pain and suffering in the world. Even companies with amazing financials will work to push workers compensation down, cut corners and exploit loopholes to make sure their profits are always growing. Consistent large profits aren't good enough.

[-] [email protected] 132 points 11 months ago

I saw an earlier post that showed Lemmy's recent rapid growth followed by a plateau and then slight decline. My feeling is that there is a very LOUD minority of Lemmy users that are trying to act as self-anointed gatekeepers and they're bringing the platform down as a direct consequence. It makes the platform look petty and small to new and existing users alike. If the top posts are continually about shaming other users then this platform isn't going to last. Let's focus on building communities and having interesting conversations rather than one upping each other.

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