[-] [email protected] 1 points 45 minutes ago

They're going to become a pizza topping???

[-] [email protected] 2 points 49 minutes ago

You're a weird guy, Mr Squid....

Most I'd do is grab my cat by the scruff of her neck and say "NO! BAD! Grrrrrrrrrr!!!!" and she'd run off with her tail between her legs and a sorry look on her face. Then a few hours later, we would go back to normal and she wouldn't do that thing again.

Except for putting her butthole in my face. Never got her to stop that when I first woke up every afternoon.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 55 minutes ago

You gotta play the jingle everytime you pull the sword back out of the now opened letter.

[-] [email protected] -2 points 56 minutes ago

Why is this on my feed AGAIN???

I had this on my feed 3 different communities yesterday. One of which I could have sworn was THIS community.

Enough! We get it! It's bullshit he was arrested for this, but I don't need 7 different communities all pointing to the same source!

[-] [email protected] 1 points 59 minutes ago

I live in a closet, basically.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 2 hours ago

Will it run on a Raspberry Pi 4, 4GB?

[-] [email protected] 1 points 2 hours ago

Found Zoidberg!

[-] [email protected] 1 points 2 hours ago

Glue is still a more valid pizza topping than PINEAPPLE!!!

[-] [email protected] 11 points 3 hours ago

What is a proper meme anyways?

In the 90s we had a meme.


And everybody did it, as they danced the macarana, and ate that taco bell dog.......wait........

[-] [email protected] 2 points 3 hours ago

Beans, Beans, the magical cat, the more you pet, the more you.....keep petting.

Ok, I need to work on rhyming schemes.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 3 hours ago

Can confirm. N64 existed before year 2000......but not WWF No Mercy, which came out in 2001. Lets call it 2002 was peak. Pretty sure GTA Vice City was out by then.

[-] [email protected] 31 points 4 hours ago



submitted 17 hours ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Awful quiet in here. You guys staying hydrated? That humidity is like a kick to the balls that somehow hits your lungs instead.

What's everybody doing for the holiday? Getting naked and climbing the FREE stamp? No judgement.

Hey, you guys hear we're getting a soccar team? Whatever happened to that? They announced it like 2 years ago, and then........nothin.

submitted 1 day ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

So since I joined in early May, that Raj zone community or whatever its called was the highlighted community. That ran for about 2 months that I know of. It's a very active and popular community.

Today I see it's finally changed. Now it's comic strips. Which ALSO looks like an active community. So my theory is, and I may be wrong, but my theory is that these spotlights drive huge amounts of traffic. Which is great......but it's spread so thin. One community for 2 months is waaaay too long.

What if it became the "community of the day"? And maybe it could focus on smaller, lesser known communities. And if that days community ISN'T for you personally, just wait until tomorrow.

And then there's the trending section. More often than not, I see a community in the trending section, click it, and theres zero posts. One time I even saw zero posts, and moderator locked so only moderators can make posts.....which they hadn't.

So whats the point of saying they're trending, if theres zero to little activity? I say to become a trending community, you should have minimum 10 posts in the past 30 days, and 30 comments the past 30 days.

So, site admins, can we make this happen? New community spotlight everyday, maybe it's a dead community, and a trending community section which has been trending lately.

And as I think of this, I just realized the trending communities will only be the same most popular ones. So maybe trending communities can only appear once per month?

submitted 2 days ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

So I have a sizeable dvd collection. I'll often go to resale shops, and be like "Oh, a George Carlin DVD? $3? Yes please!" and then not watch it for years.

So I've had Batman, Batman Returns, and Batman Forever in my collection FOREVER. I refuse to buy Batman & Robin on the grounds that it's Batman & Robin.

Well anyways, last night I was bored, and needed to watch something new while I cleaned my room. I decided to watch Batman Forever. I remember loving it as a kid, and HATING Batman & Robin. So I figured "Well, let's see if this holds up to my childhood memories...."

Spoiler alert, they did not....but it wasn't terrible either.

So, this is the first Batman movie without Micheal Keaton, without Tim Burton, and maybe without Danny Elfman? The music certainly didn't feel like Elfman.

So the immediate thing I dislike about this movie is, despite previously appearing in the series as Harvey Dent (previously played by a black actor, and now played by Tommy Lee Jones, which is confusing right from the start), you NEVER see why Harvey Dent went crazy. You see this really bizarre scene of acid being thrown on Harvey Dent, and him "covering up half his face" with a manilla envelope.......but the liquid clearly splashes his whole face.

All of this is shown to the viewer through GNN (a CNN parody where GNN stands for Gothham News Network). The weird thing is, this is happening in a court of law. GNN is just broadcasting Harvey Dent, Attorney at Law doing his job in court. They had NO REASON to know something crazy would happen. And as it happens, Batman is just sitting among the spectators. He's not on trial. He's not beyond the line that only court participants go. He's behind that line, as a spectator. And again, nobody knew crazy things were going to happen to Harvey Dent, the attorney. Batman just came into the courtroom, took a seat, and was watching a random court case play out. WHY???

So Dent gets splashed with the acid, and for some reason blames Batman???

And now he's evil. Nothing to explain why he has any sense of duality. Nothing to explain his coin. Nothing to explain why only half his face was burned. I get that he got burned, but nothing is explained why he's EVIL now. On top of that, he plays the role like a combination of Ceasar Romeros Joker, and Jack Nicholsons Joker........except he's NOT the Joker. He's Harvey Dent/Two Face. He misses the point of the role entirely. The closest he comes is in the early parts of the movie, when he says to a bank security guard "Heads, you live...tails, you die". Flips it, comes up heads. Throws the guard into a vault, to which the guard says "I thought heads means I live?" and Two Face says "Ah, too true. You WILL live....to be bat-bait!"

THAT'S NOT TWO FACE!!! Either way, he expects the guard to die. The whole point of the coin is to ease Harvey Dents empathy, while also satiating Two Face's bloodlust. In this movie, both outcomes leads to bloodlust in some form. There's even a scene later in the film where he keeps flipping the coin until he gets tails. WHATS THE FUCKING POINT THEN??? Joel Shoemacker and Tommy Lee Jones both missed the point entirely of the character. If I were writting this script, I'd have chosen another secondary villain. More on that later.

The Riddler is played by Jim Carry. Now The Riddler is a very unique character which can be played a bunch of ways. You can play him dark, you can play him cartoony, you can play him mysterious, you can play him as an figure you never even see. Jim Carry takes it more in a cartoonish over the top mid-90s Jim Carry style performance. I've heard rumors that originally the role was meant for Robin Williams, and I certainly could see him playing the role almost the exact same way. I even saw a short video on youtube clipped from an interview recorded in the 90s where he talks about how sometimes Hollywood uses you and your talents as bait. At one time Jack Nicholson was supposed to play the Joker in Batman 89, and then backed out. So they said "We'll just give it to Robin Williams if you back out", and suddenly Jack Nicholson was back in. You could really hear the hurt in his voice when he said "Sometimes they use you. They promise you things they never meant to give you, all so someone else can make a little extra on their paycheck. But maybe one day I'll be cast. Maybe as The Riddler."

Jim Carry played the role expertly however. For what this film was trying to be, he played the role exactly how he should. It would be interesting to see how he'd play it AFTER hollywood discovered he can do drama and not just "unsanctioned baffoonary", as Tommy Lee Jones put it.

The citys atmosphere was WAAAAAAY off. The first two films depicted Gotham as being a dark brooding city, where crime and depression loomed in every corner. Batman Forever deals almost exclusively in neon bright colors. At one point an alley became a blacklight rave. It made NO SENSE!!!

What's worse, is they could have played into the colors with the story they have, if they simply depicted the city with the same dark depressing tones, until the city gets ahold of Edward Nigmas brain drain machine. You could see the depressing greys and blacks of the city contrast slowly at first, and then more and more with the bright neon green. As each household plugs in, the city gets a little more neon bright. Signifying the population treating their depression with this new brain drain machine. All the while the viewer knows how it's cheery bright happy visuals represent something far darker. And that brings me back to two-face. Remember when I said he shouldn't even be in this movie? Well, he really didn't have any character development, or plan, or motivation besides "kill batman". So what if we swapped him out for a different villain.

I'm thinking The Riddler works with Mr Freeze. As the city turns more and more green with brain drain machines in every house, it means more and more population is distracted and thus unable to pay attention to the real dangers around them. More and more the Riddlers machine becomes increasingly a metaphore for the distraction that TV had become by the 90s. Taken to the extreme, the city becomes a society of couch bound zombies, leaving the streets abandoned. I'm thinking Robin Williams could have played Mr Freeze. A character only interested in saving his wife, and when Batman destroys the only method to allow her to be healed, he instead diverts his attention to working with The Riddler. The Riddler clears the streets of opposition, and in return he gains mental information of the citizens watching. And Mr Freeze gets to set the abandoned city into a sub zero wasteland to allow his wife to comfortably walk the streets. His freezing could have turned the city neon blue. So the skies are neon green, the streets are neon blue, and Batman has to save the city. I think that works better on every level.

Batman is played by Val Kilmer. He plays an alright Batman, but a great Bruce Wayne. Certainly a downgrade from previous films, but not the worst (for that, see George Clooney. The smug asshole).

Nichole Kidman is here in a truely forgetable role. She's just another chick that wants to fuck Batman. They play her character as obsessed with duality, but she has no real interest in Bruce Wayne. Only Batman......and god damn does she throw herself at him. Truely awful writing. Her performance is fine for what they wanted her to do. It's just what they wanted her to do serves no purpose, and again misses the point of the role they've laid out for her.

Chris something plays Robin. Which ultimately is weird for two reasons. First, he's way too old to be Robin. Robin is supposed to be like 14. Here he's like 23. Why is he getting forced to live with Bruce if he's an adult? At this point in the 90s, I'd have cast Joseph Gordon Levit. Oddly enough he'd be cast as "Robin" in the nolan films.......again, when he was far too old. Although I do like that they stayed true to the comics visual style of Robin in the circus portion of the film, and stayed true to the source material for his backstory. I kinda wish that was just his outfit in the movie, instead of that metalic look.


Alfred crushed it as always.

I forgot all about sugar and spice. I was like "sugar looks firmiliar. I wonder if she's done anything else.......holy shit that's drew barrymore. What the fuck is she doing playing such a bit part???" I bet you she just loved Batman, and wanted anything to do with this film, and the directors were like "Yeah, all we got is this bit part, but it's way below your talents, and..." "I'LL TAKE IT!!!" I bet that's how that went.

The batmobile just offends me. The previous one was just perfect. Just don't change anything......oh, I see, it needed neon colors too. Probably so you could sell new toys. Which is another thing this movie suffers from. Everything is blatently made just for the sake of merchandising it. Batman 89 was a merchandise juggernaut, and all you needed was a black shirt, and a yellow bat symbol on the chest. Sold like a billion of those!

Did we even see commishioner gordon?

Maybe it's more of a modern film style, but I feel like these films were only thought of one at a time, rather than connecting 4 films as one continuous story. I feel like Joker should have made a small cameo at the end of this movie, to set up for his big return in the 4th movie. Replace Nichole Kidman's character in this movie with Dr Herleen Quinzel. Returning Jack Nicholson as the Joker. And the two of them would be the main villains of the 5th movie "Revenge on Batman"

God damnit hollywood! Get your shit together!!!

submitted 6 days ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Ok, so one of the bigger problems I see on Lemmy is the fact that I subscribe to dozens of different communities, but my feed is always the same. News news news technology technology technology.

What if I want something lighthearted? What if I DON'T want to see certain topics???

Maybe I'm at work, and a big sports game is going on. I don't want spoilers, so now I can't look at Lemmy.

Or what if Nintendo hosts a Nintendo Direct before I get a chance to see it? Welp. Can't look at Lemmy.

But......what if I could? What if my main feed was exactly what it is now. But what if I had user created catagories? I could make one called "News". Now if I want to see the news, I can include that catagory in my home feed. Or I can exclude it from my home feed. I could switch over to the news catagory, and then every community that I've designated under the news catagory that I've created will show ONLY those communities home feed.

Or maybe I want to see only video game related stuff.

Or maybe I only want to see sports stuff.

I could even create user created tabs. I could name the first one "Happy" and it could include light hearted catagories. Things like /c/aww and /c/humor

I could have a tab called "Serious" and it could be all news, and updates on the world.

I could have a tab called "Nerdy" and it could be all technology and video game related stuff.

Or I could have my main home tab, where I choose which communities/catagories do and don't appear.

And you could do the same concept in Mastadon with followed users. If you follow some users who only post about pro-wrestling, and you don't want to see that? Uncheck your pro-wrestling catagory from your home feed tab. Have a seperate tab just for pro-wrestling.

I'm sure you could implement this with other fediverse services. I just haven't used many to give examples of how they would work, if I don't know how the core platforms themselves work.

submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Ok, so I've been here almost two months now. And I'm a frequent commenter. What I have noticed is that almost every single comment I make gets exactly 1 downvote. Regardless of where, regardless of content. Doesn't matter what I say. I could say "Puppies are snuggly!" and it would get one downvote.

This leads me to believe there's a bot (or maybe a series of bots) who go around and make sure everything gets downvotes. I don't see the point of that.

Look, sometimes I make comments that people ACTUALLY don't agree with. I made a joke comment about trump and biden being young unheard of up and comers in the political world that haven't reached drinking age yet. I thought it was funny, but last I checked it had more downvotes than upvotes. Ok, fair enough. That joke bombed. I'll take the L on that one.

But to downvote everything across the board? It's hard to tell when my material is just barely landing, or just barely not landing........as opposed to now assuming the downvote is a bot and I can't trust the negitive reaction.

So, maybe this post could serve as a brainstorm session for how to combat this very minor problem. I'm not a techie with any knowledge of how bots operate, let alone how to stop them. But I'm sure others on this forum do. So lets hash this thing out!

submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I work at the airport, and everytime I think it reminds me of Mick Foley, if Mick Foley took care of his body, and became a model.

submitted 2 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

So I do NOT understand what makes a community trend. I thought I'd use it to discover communities I didn't even know I wanted. Instead, I've found a few communities I have no interest in, and thats fine. Not all communities are going to cater to everybodies tastes.

But the real puzzler for me, is when I click a trending community, and theres 2 subsubscribers, 0 posts ever. What exactly qualifies that as a trending communities???

I don't know if everybody sees the same trending communities, but if you do, theres one right now with a jumbled bunch of letters as the community name, no posts, 2 subscribers And the sidebar is a bunch of imdb links.......

What am I supposed to do with that information? Why is THAT trending??? Is this a case of mods of that community (all one of them) are also the developers of Lemmy, so they program it that way? Or is this some algorithm thing that I don't get???

What is going on here?

submitted 3 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Tonight!!! The Cleveland monsters look to become only the 4th team in history to accomplish a reverse sweep. Once down to the Hershey bears 3-0, the series is now tied 3-3 in a best of 7 series. With the winner of tonights game going on to face the Coachella Valley Firebirds this Friday at game 1 of the Calder Cup Series. The monsters in 2016, then known as the Lake Erie Monsters last won the Calder Cup in 2016, sweeping the Hershey Bears 4-0.

Tonight, they battle the Hershey bears once again, this time in a game 7 to advance to the Calder Cup. Game starts at 7pm from Hershey PA, but can be watched on WUAB Channel 43 at 7pm.


submitted 3 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Tonight!!! The Cleveland monsters look to become only the 4th team in history to accomplish a reverse sweep. Once down to the Hershey bears 3-0, the series is now tied 3-3 in a best of 7 series. With the winner of tonights game going on to face the Coachella Valley Firebirds this Friday at game 1 of the Calder Cup Series. The monsters in 2016, then known as the Lake Erie Monsters last won the Calder Cup in 2016, sweeping the Hershey Bears 4-0.

Tonight, they battle the Hershey bears once again, this time in a game 7 to advance to the Calder Cup. Game starts at 7pm from Hershey PA, but can be watched on WUAB Channel 43 at 7pm.


submitted 3 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Tonight!!! The Cleveland monsters look to become only the 4th team in history to accomplish a reverse sweep. Once down to the Hershey bears 3-0, the series is now tied 3-3 in a best of 7 series. With the winner of tonights game going on to face the Coachella Valley Firebirds this Friday at game 1 of the Calder Cup Series. The monsters in 2016, then known as the Lake Erie Monsters last won the Calder Cup in 2016, sweeping the Hershey Bears 4-0.

Tonight, they battle the Hershey bears once again, this time in a game 7 to advance to the Calder Cup. Game starts at 7pm from Hershey PA, but can be watched on WUAB Channel 43 at 7pm.


submitted 3 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Ok, so here's a situation I ran into, and thought of a solution for, but I'm not a programmer, so I don't know if this is possible.

I live in Cleveland. Last I checked, we have a population of 300,00ish people. Might be closer to 350,000. Not the point.

As it stands, in general I'd say roughly 10% of general society uses reddit. Using rough numbers, that would mean 30,000ish people. I just checked, and /r/Cleveland has 151,000 subscribers, but only 58 users on the site at the moment I checked. That tells me there's a lot of people subscribed to /r/Cleveland who no longer live in Cleveland.

I refuse to believe that of roughly 300,000 people, half are on /r/Cleveland. Especially if only 58 are online. So, maybe a lot of bots.

That being said Lemmy has probably less than 1% of society. And Cleveland has a finite number of potential users.

So when I look for the Cleveland sublemmy, I find three of them. Two I could join right away, the third is still pending because it seems the mod is the only user, and he hasn't been active in months.

Point is, this city, even if there was only one Cleveland sub would still have a very small userbase. Now we're dividing it among multiple communities all serving the same purpose. There's only so much that happens in Cleveland. The majority of the reddit posts are "where should I eat? What should I do when I visit? Why do you guys have billboards of just eyes?"

There is NOT a lot going on here. And if we split these users up multiple times, you'll have what we have now. Multiple dead communities, with a split userbase. So logically the first idea is "Well you only need one Cleveland community. The other one should close." But that flies against the very foundation of what this place is built on.

So how do you integrate both communities userbases as one, without merging the subs? And that's when it hit me.


User groups, and sub groups. Lets start with sub groups.

So lets say I'm the head of Cleveland@instance1 and Fred runs Cleveland@instance2. We both see the userbase problem. So I send Fred a message, and ask if he wants to group up. He says yes. Now we're grouped up. So what does that mean? It means that Joe, a Cleveland resident, could subscribe to Cleveland@instance2. It would then have some checkboxes that say "group Cleveland@instance1 and Cleveland@instance2?"

And for every checkbox you leave ticked, you'll group those subs together. If you don't want to group them, uncheck the boxes of the ones you don't want to group.

So now Joe is subscribed to Cleveland@instance2. But because he's grouped my Cleveland@instance one, everytime he posts, the comments and the up/downvotes for his comment will now be grouped together. So when he makes that post on Cleveland@instance2 it will show up on Cleveland@instance1 too. Anything in that post is technically being posted to Cleveland@instance2

So if you ARE subscribed to Cleveland@instance1 but NOT subscribed to Cleveland@instance2, then you wouldn't even see the post in Cleveland@instance1. You're only seeing it, and able to interact with it from Cleveland@instance1 because they're both officially grouped, and you agreed to the grouping on your end when you subscribed.

You could, in theory reject the grouping when you subscribe, and then subscribe to the second one seperately. Which would keep everything seperate and as it is now. I don't know who would want to do that, but it would be possible.

Now, for the user groups.

Pretty much the same concept, but on an individual basis. So, lets say I subscribe to videogames@instance and I also subscribe to gamers@instance. Those communities have NOT grouped for whatever reason, so YOU group them for yourself.

So now when you post, you'll post once, and it will post your new post once in videogames@instance and once in gamers@instance.

So now you posted two seperate posts, but because you grouped them on an individual basis, you'll see all the upvotes and replies in one post in your inbox on your end. In reality there are two seperate posts, but your interaction with it feels as one.

submitted 3 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

So, there was a time when they announced that they were changing their name. The name I kept hearing, and hating, was the Cleveland Rockers. Blegh!

So me, assuming the new name was going to be based on the idea of rock and roll being part of our image, I had a different idea. A crazy idea. A real longshot that I never expected to happen, but I still say the name is 100% cooler then "The Guardians" (especially since they don't use the guardian statue imagery).

My idea is that the Cleveland Indians makes a HUUUUUUUUGE purchase. They buy WMMS from iheartradio. They continue WMMS as 100.7FM, and still play rock themed genres. Kf anything, they become the non-corporate rock station. Who plays local artists. Who doesn't have a set list that just repeats everyday. But during the games, they'd have Tom Hamilton and crew announcing the games. Just as always.

They become the Cleveland Buzzards, and use the WMMS buzzard logo as their logo too.

The other idea I had was calling them the "Cleveland Drummers" with a cartoon version of John Adams face as the logo. This was before he died, so I figured he'd be at opening day of the new team......and then beat his drum. Unfortunately, he came down with health issues. He battled health issues, and died during the Guardians first season.

And the stadium does not feel the same without him.

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