I have never seen a thread that is more dangerous to the Special Relationship and I am here. for. it. Brits just sat down to their post-dinner cup of tea and the Muricans just got up from lunch, just raging at each other. Move the nuclear clock one second closer to midnight, please.
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Chemically yes, physically no. Microwaved water is more buoyant because it has a heat gradient and rarely boils properly. It tends to get superheated and explode rather than boiling.
This is why tea bags float on top of microwaved water but not boiled water.
It’s not. The kettle attracts and holds ~~heavy metals~~ minerals and lime that would remain in the water of your glazed or glass mug after microwaving.
I've microwaved water and there is always this foam at the top. Furthermore I think the kettle takes away some of the Particles since mine always has timescales after a few days.
Using a kettle is not just a British thing, it is always a good idea to boil water, let it cool down and then drink, I recently read that it also reduces micro plastics by at least %70