
joined 4 months ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago

lmao okay buddy

[–] [email protected] -1 points 1 week ago

Performative and possibly even counterproductive. The other bags you can use will usually require a larger consumption of fossil fuels consumed over their likely use lifetime. Paper bags are more energy intensive (including burning fossil fuels for energy). Cloth bags are much, much more energy intensive, you need to use each one hundreds of times for it to balance out.

If the concern is pollution from plastics, grocery bags are a very minor contributor. Most can simply be reused as trash bags or trashed/incinerated. It's tires and runoff from freeways that are the elephant in the room but addressing that requires building a real mass transit system.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Harris has more or less the same solutions for black America, as this article lays out. Both parties offer false promises while supporting the material bases of oppression. Both parties are the parties of mass incarceration, criminal injustice, gentrification, school defunding, and ultimately, widespread material deprivation of the working class, the poor, the unhoused. We've had a Trump presidency. It was, despite liberals' panic at rude statements, more or less, the typical status quo right up until the pandemic hit.

This is not because Trump was good, it was because he did the same basic things as his predecessors and successor. Liberals temporarily cared about kids in cages under Trump and suddenly lost all interest under Biden, now pretending that it simply stopped because they aren't hearing about it even as the Biden admin has ramped up imprisonment and deportations. Very little changed, materially. The same applies to the lives of black people. If anything, conditions have gotten worse under Biden through policies increasing unemployment, the normalization of the pandemic and ending of economic support during it, and the massive funds for cops, increasing criminalization of poverty, and decreases in universal funding, leaving communities subjected to the legacies of red lining and discrimination to self-fund. Fewer jobs, worse pay, less support, more observation and racially discriminatory criminalization.

Expect this to continue until we actually organize to build real leverage and address the actual root causes of these issues and why neither party identifies them.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago

First, don't vote for genociders. I think if that isn't the limit, you don't have one and might as well admit to being a supporter of genocide.

Cool headline, but ultimately just another call to have people throw their votes to a third-party candidate in protest

Those who organize to vote third party do a better job at building leverage for their interests than sheepdogs that try to convince people to Vite Blue No Matter Who. Which one is throwing a vote away? You don't even register on Dems' radar as anything other than a "likely Dem voter" to maybe send a volunteer out to remind you to vote.

…which could just lead to Trump’s victory, which the article itself acknowledges would be the worst possible outcome.

The article does not say that. It is very clear on its line that neither party is the one to fight for black people. I have to assume you simply didn't read it.

The time to fight the Democratic leadership is unfortunately past

The time to fight oppressive genociders never passes. Please stop telling other people to give up their fight for justice. I'm getting white moderate vibes from your comment.

PS Harris has never won a single state in a Democratic primary. What in earth do you think was the right time and right method of opposition and building if leverage? The party just dictated all of this at you and now you carry water for it.

and the only way forward to being able to win going forward is to vote for Harris.

To win what? The thesis of this article is that black people don't win regardless of which party has the presidency. Who are you talking to and do they understand what you mean by "win"?

Voting for Trump (or casting a third-party candidate, essentially the same thing) is guaranteed to make things much worse.

Voting for a third party is not the same as voting for Trump. Get that nonsense out if here.

[–] [email protected] 26 points 1 week ago

"Israel" is a terrorist state and always has been. As an occupier, the resistance has the right to oppose it by all means deemed necessary.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

I haven't but you might want to check out, which will likely have more community support for running on Linux.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 weeks ago

Peak performance

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago

You need oxidants to live. Issues stemming from oxidants are about levels of free radicals getting too high in the wrong places for too long.

Getting good sleep, eating a balanced diet, reducing stress, and getting enough exercise are the best ways to reduce the chances of such a scenario. Realistically, these things are also just a way to maximize wellness and health overall and it is probably not very useful for most people to think of this in terms of oxidation.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago

Oxidative stress happens every time you exercise. People need exercise to have better health. Oxidative stress is actually a necessary part of a healthy life.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

If aliens exist they would probably have many things just as strange. They would also need a way to harvest energy via some cycle. It is possible they would require even more reactive substances to live.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago

When we and other known organisms take energy from food we are actually taking molecules with higher-energy electrons, converting them into the high-energy molecules our cellular processes can use to do make cell things happen, and producing very similar molecules with lower-energy electrons. Rather than infinitely accumulating these molecules, our cells dump low-energy electrons onto another molecule that is amenable and thereby convert into a molecule ready to accept high-energy molecules from food (with a bunch of steps in between).

For us, as aerobes, the electron acceptor at the end of respiration is oxygen.

Oxygen as an electron receptor is newer than several others. Anaerobes came first. It was only after photosynthesis had produced a ton of atmospheric oxygen that it became a viable option, really. But it O2 is a comparatively good electron acceptor because the process in which it accepts those electrons allows cells to grab quite a bit of energy from that last step. It is fairly "electron needy" compared to earlier electron acceptors.

So, basically, aerobes get more energy per food unit (sugar molecule) than the vast majority of other creatures. You need it to live because it is an essential part of how your cells get food, namely, how it can recycle molecules at the last step of the respiration cycle.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 weeks ago (6 children)

The dietary antioxidant fad is mostly BS. They're supposedly meant to counteract oxidative stress and specifically free radicals. Both of those things are part of a healthy life and you would die without them. So any real impact is not so simple as "just counteract those bad things". Dietary antioxidants don't always lead to higher intracellular antioxidant levels, either.

Some dietary antioxidants so lead to higher intracellular levels and may help buffer oxidative stress (like from exercise) but there isn't much evidence that it doesn't just boil down to "eating your vegetables is good for you".

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