Welp, time to hit the thrift stores and pray the ever so tiny scratches aren't disc killers.
Home Video (VHS, DVD, Blu-ray, 4k)
On Reddit we have r/dvdcollection, r/boutiquebluray, r/4kbluray, r/steelbook, r/vhs, etc but let's start simply with a community to cover all the forms of home video collecting.
So, do you feel nostalgic for a format? Are you looking forward to a release? Heard any exciting news? Want to show us your shelves? Then post away.
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- Be excellent to each other
Someone has to sell them new in order to get them thrift.
Truth. I haven't been thrifting in a while but at least where I am Value Village/Savers has a pretty good supply to stock up on now before they get scarce.
So they have these cool machines that repair disks and if you can find a computer and videogame repair store you might be able to rent them for cheap
Oh yeah! I remember that was a big deal back in the day. It's funny the things you forget about until someone reminds you. Good call!
Totally! Good luck
You will own nothing, and you better fucking smile really big and pretend it's okay.
This is a shame, but it's understandable. Just as long as they don't cut back on what they carry online. They have a fantastic online selection which the stores never really matched. Some of their sales made it possible to grab Criterion blu rays for cheaper than the 50% off sales at B&N.
I would love to see figures for this that factor out the general decline of brick and mortar sales. I do hope physical media continues to sell, but I think if it does, it will be a niche market that probably isn't shopping at Target.
Huh, IIRC Aussie target dropped music and video media back in 2018. I can buy DVDs at my supermarket but none of the dept stores have any physical media.
You Down Under cinephiles really get the shitty end of the stick when it comes to home video.
So what
Didn't see what community this was in eh?
Of course I did. I just don't give a shit about target. I can still buy what I need elsewhere.
I gotcha! Any tips for a newly minted hoarder?
IMO garage sales and thrift stores will get you most of what you want. You'll find stuff like the entire series of the Office for $2 per season or all the Starwars movies for $10 or some classic Western for $1. Cheaper than streaming and it's yours. Pay cash and help your local economy out. And if you want some new, then spend the $30 for it or rent it from the library (most city libraries will have a large DVD, CD and audio book collection)
Not really. I scalp the Internet for any deals I can find and also thrift stores etc. I dunno how many times I've seen brand new copies of DVDs and blu rays at thrift stores. Not old releases either