[-] [email protected] 8 points 2 days ago

Food. Probably get a single catering size meal from a restaurant.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 3 days ago

In the late 90s-00s a good half of the school wore hoodies and pajamas everyday. So it was 50/50 t-shirt n jeans vs hoodiejamas.

I'm with you on the pedo-staches. Ew.

[-] [email protected] 151 points 2 months ago

Their decline has been so sad. I moved somewhere with fireflies in 2007. The first year they were everywhere. The second year less so and they were completely gone by 2010. I always tried to leave longer grassy areas for them but they were just... gone. It was so so so sad. I didn't grow up with them and that first summer was enchanted and magical.

I have great memories of walking down the road on a hot night with thousands of slowly blinking balls of light. The person who lives in that place now probably doesn't even know that fireflies are supposed to be in the area.

[-] [email protected] 74 points 2 months ago

Fucking prions, man. Scarier than most diseases. Remember kids: in a survival situation it's okay to eat most of a Long Pig or a cow but don't eat the brain. You just never know.

[-] [email protected] 162 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Man I'm a progressive and even I can tell this is propaganda.

Also, missed a bunch of presidents? Bush 1 after Reagan. Lyndon B, Nixon, Ford and CARTER between Kennedy and Reagan.

I obviously agree with the overall message (that "both sides" is and always has been bullshit) but c'mon man.

Edit: like, you could put the actual campaign goals and summarized impacts and then it would be a real infographic. Like "passed tax cuts for top _% of income earning Americans" "repealed gun laws". It's still cherry picking and biased but that's what moves something like this out of the realm of propaganda and into I dunno...something more like biased news? Bias isn't inherently bad, obviously when you're trying to have an argument you have a side and an agenda.

[-] [email protected] 76 points 3 months ago

I believe the prevailing opinion is that it is subtly intentional but has more impact than intended because it is a reflection of the indoctrination of the writers, but I may be mistaken.

It may be created to intentionally teach children not to fear police and to obey the rules of society. Which sounds good on paper but can be really problematic.

It's not just Paw Patrol. It's every cop show that has messages of the cops always being on the side of "good". There are many many many articles and academic papers about "copaganda" that explain it better than I can.

[-] [email protected] 105 points 3 months ago

To be honest it's still a crapshoot of SEO bs.

[-] [email protected] 79 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Oh man there used to be a subreddit for this where it's like a random picture with associated text that's probably bullshit. Damn, I can't remember the name of it. It wasn't thathappened, it was something else.

Anyway I don't believe the text. I think it's just a picture of a dude and his kitty, which is fine. Probably either way it is a dude and his kitty.

[-] [email protected] 73 points 7 months ago

This show is so freaking Star Trek that it out-Star Treks the Star Trek.

[-] [email protected] 98 points 8 months ago

And the sound engineer people (not sure if that's their official title) and suuuuper condescending about it. "Well it's your fault for not having a professional setup mixed the same as a theater."

[-] [email protected] 64 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

The other commenters covered it but before Politically Incorrect and Real Time he was a minor comedian in the 80s. He did standup, bit parts on a few TV shows, and I think he got a movie.

So he had a career to speak of before he became primarily a political commentator. His standup act was very reactionary and critical of the "growing trend" (at the time) of political correctness/basic human decency, which is how he got his first show.

Edit: Oh, I forgot to mention he is somewhat left-leaning. He claims to be a liberal, or rather people claim he is, but his stances are all over the place. He's mostly cultivated a brand of a smug asshole who would call out hypocrisy while being hypocritical..but it's "okay" because he's open about being a hypocrite?

He tried to fill the role of THE democrat-hard-hitting-common-sense-political-comedian but was quickly overtaken by Jon Stewart on The Daily Show. In my opinion Bill Maher never truly fulfilled that role because he lacks empathy.

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