Ouch. This hurts on both sides.
All posts need to have the same title: me_irl it is allowed to use an emoji instead of the underscore _
I can not see this not being deliberate.
What? Like they would've sent the screenshot to the boy on purpose? That would be insane. First of all, this is the internet and it's probably fake but mistakes like that happen all the time.
Boy is interested in girl, girl knows but isn't interested and doesn't know how to handle the situation and wants to ask a friend for help, accidentally replies to the wrong person.
I think it's kinda weird that you would assume it's deliberate.
If my mom didn’t do this regularly, I might question if this was intentional. But some people are embarrassingly awful when it comes to texting.
I myself do it regularly, especially with contacts who share txt bubble colors.
I haven't had anything that awkward happen but I felt like dying when I ruined the surprise for my best friends birthday party last year by texting the non-secret group chat instead of the secret group chat.
Even I, a younger millennial who grew up almost right in line with the tech as it grew, have made this mistake. It happens.
Honestly, maybe even more frequently when you’re adept because everything is so automatic. All it takes is a moment of brain fart to think about the person you’re texting ABOUT as opposed to the person you’re meaning to text, and you click their name accidentally. Or if they’re the two most recent conversations. Fat finger could make it very easy to click the wrong name.
Fully believable for anyone. Whether or not a screenshot of a text interchange is ever real on the internet is always up for debate, though.
I have sent a text to my dad that was meant for my brother and my dad has sent me a couple that were for someone else.
I've managed to fat finger my keyboard a few times and hit print screen and without realising it and sending people screenshots of our conversation before. It's only happened a couple of times, but it happened with the same person....
Had a boss so this to me once. Thought he was texting another supervisor how he found my spending time working on a repair project annoying (which was kind of hilarious from my perspective as we all had spent the last three days doing mind numbing busywork and I jumped on doing anything that would look like actual work while giving me a break from appearing to be useful ) and how he hated me being around.
He basically melted from embarrassment even when I was telling him that I was fine. His text response looked practically identical.
"'No thanks' would suffice."
Brings back memories of accidentally sending a dick pick to a group chat
I will never forget
I once sent a close-up balls pic to the family group chat. It was on purpose.
did they banish you from the group chat and you've never talked to or seen any of them ever since?
We were all close friends and while there were unfortunately women in that group chat they got over it. I grew up with both of them so I don't think that was enough to warrant losing a friend. They managed to forget thankfully and we made a new groupchat.
I still talk to and actively see 3/5 of those people
But what did they think of your dick?
One of my homies said nice cock so I think it went well, he also tried to help with damage control for the girls but unfortunately they both opened before they saw our calls and texts
Well at least you got a cockliment
Did you guys get married afterwards?
He's my roommate now so basically
Asking the important question..
3/5 weren't envious. I assume.
See, this could either be a terrible person trying to humiliate someone, or someone who has no idea how to reject someone.
The fact no identification is included in the screenshot supports the latter, the fact there was no sight of the word sorry in that list of words supports the former.
The use of the word "boy" is a bit derogatory, but that's just an acceptable diminutive these days.
Oh well, I guess we'll never know who was evil, and must go on with our lives accepting that every story has two heroes and two villains.
I mean regardless of if the girl is or isn't an asshole how could the guy possibly be one with this information
If they're like college students boy is completely normal language in this situation
Op handled like a champ.
Schrodinger's text.
This thread is a dumpster fire.
Also: no one has mentioned they maybe this "boy" was actually being sincere and trying to study with someone.
Of course, it doesn't matter since this screen shot is most likely not from a real conversation.
She's serving cunt.
Having my self esteem issues none of my friends believe I have, no it's not alright, but I would find it fucking hilarious