About tree fiddy. I'll show myself out.
Least you guys had homes to use it with. Makes a very sad fleshlight.
Front man for motorhead,duh.
I mean,if it works it works.
I'm all for saving libraries,but can they also force them to update their inventory/give enough money for them to update? The two nearest me(15-20 miles) are either the same books since the 1980s(in my county)with a barebones movie selection,or mostly christian fiction/romance(the one we had to pay for our cards),but something resembling an actual selection. There is plenty of information to be had at either,sure,but nothing much I want to read. Plus it sucks having to drive 20+ minutes just to check out something.
Most likely because its cold enough there the generator would freeze if it was outside. Why they didn't put itin a shed,I guess because money? E: still there should have been ducting for exhaust. Unless there was,and the wind shifted,and blew the exhaust back towards the building?
Not a commute,but the only reason I look forward to doing the dishes.
Yes. Yes it does.
Have you tried vi music? Free on fdroid,open source,and its YouTube music ad free. Its quite nice.
The blood loss is an acceptable cost
Frasier is chaotic evil?