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The original was posted on /r/relationships by /u/Shotfirst124 on 2024-01-23 02:59:35+00:00.
My girlfriend of 2 years broke up with me last week after we went long distance a few months ago and now only get to see each other about once a month. Since going long distance it has not been working out at all, we were arguing more and making each miserable all the time. Obviously when we ended things I was sad, it wasn’t and still isn’t what I want, but I understand her decision and in the long run it is probably best for both of us.
As we broke up over the phone, she rang me a few days ago asking to see if I wanted to meet her in person to properly communicate with each other. Anyway once we met she was suddenly the complete opposite of a girl who just broke up with her boyfriend being extremely affectionate and loving, like we were when we together.
As I had missed her I responded to this very positively. Once we got chatting she revealed she only wanted to break up for a few months and thinks we need time to figure out what has gone wrong with us. During the time we are “broke up” she wants to remain in contact and call every now and then. Obviously I was happy with this having missed her loads and not wanting the relationship.
However, since then I have realised this is completely unfair. She calls me often and there is no predicting what mood she’ll be in. Sometimes she’s angry at me for shit we haven’t mentioned in months, other times she just wants to flirt down the phone. I received 3 phone calls today just because she wanted to hear my voice. She still says she loves me and I say it back yet is completely certain that we should remain broken up even if absolutely nothing has changed since we ended things. She still says she needs time but plans on getting back together after a few months.
I have no idea how to interpret this at all and it’s completely messing with my head. She says she wants to break up but then likes to act like everything is fine with us and nothing has changed. Everyone else I’ve spoken to about this has told me to fully distance myself and honestly if I had any self-respect I’d do so. What should I do?
TLDR my girlfriend has broken up with me but still treats like her boyfriend as if it never happened and claims she wants to get back go together after a few months.