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The original was posted on /r/relationships by /u/veramorai on 2024-01-22 18:33:01+00:00.
Not a native English speaker so some wordings may come off weird, sorry in advance.
We have one and half a year of relationship, everything was fine so far but lately I feel like my boyfriend is too emotionally needy and it's draining me. Some context, my boyfriend had depression in his high school years and some family issues where his father suffers with dementia and he takes care of both him and his mother with his other siblings. He himself describes himself as someone who has low energy/prone to melancholia.
He occasionally had bad days before but for more than six months, feels like it's happening once every week and I'm running out of sympathetic ear. He is a great person and good partner otherwise and that's why I feel horrible when he brings up about his issues and I keep quiet or switch topics to more cheerful things because I have nothing to say or suggest anymore... It also affects how I perceive him because some of his issues (apart from his dad's illness) comes off as such minor inconveniences that it gives me the impression of him acting too spoiled and affects my feelings towards him.
This sounds horrible but for once I want to have a week without hearing how my partner feels bad because something related to his family or he randomly feels depressed for no reason. I just want to enjoy watching a show in peace before it's turning into another heavy therapy session. I love him and we have otherwise perfect relationship but I have no idea how to express myself to him about this topic without sounding like an inconsiderate partner.
TL;DR Boyfriend feels moody all the time lately and I'm not sure how to bring up that I'm bothered by it without sounding inconsiderate.