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The original was posted on /r/relationships by /u/shadowrealm5 on 2024-01-18 20:22:01+00:00.
TL-DR: My SO is moving to another state and he’s planning on moving there first so when I go, everything flows smoother.
My mom cares for me and so does my younger sister but I really want to move out and try new experiences and have some freedom. Going out of state and living with my SO makes me feel relief.
My SO hasn’t had the best impressions when it comes to my family and there has been some extremely rough times between my SO and my family. They would probably tell me that I’ll regret moving or that my SO will break up with me, etc. I know they want the best for me but I want to make my own decisions and mistakes. But at the same time things with my SO have been rocky and I don’t feel included. Thankfully I’ll be moving in a couple months from now, probably the end of summer.
In the end, how do I tell them? Do I write a letter and have a good conversation or do I book a flight and tell them the day of?
I’m not sure what to do really..