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The original was posted on /r/relationships by /u/clembenz on 2024-01-18 18:55:16+00:00.
Not including new partner in future plans
Hi everyone this isn’t a dilemma yet, but I was uncertain if this may bite me in the ass in the future. I (22f) have been seeing my boyfriend (24m) since November and we started officially dating on New Year's. We are quite new in this relationship and he’s following my speed in taking things slow(intros to friends and family, etc).
Now recently I have been solidifying different plans with friends and family in the summer, which I know he’d be interested in (concerts and conventions). But, I feel weird to ask him so early in the relationship if he’d be down to go cause you never know what could happen in 4-6 months. I was thinking of securing these plans for myself, and then when the dates get closer if we are still going strong I'll ask if he wants to join. Do you think this would upset him? Or if you were in his shoes would you be put off?
TL;DR: Not including my boyfriend of 2 months in my summer plans even tho he may be interested since the relationship is new. May include him later on but worried about his feelings.