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The original was posted on /r/relationships by /u/godetaa on 2024-01-18 16:46:20+00:00.
Hi. I'm in a relationship for three years now, we live together, have a cat, etc. When we met, and for the first two years of being together, my weight was 48, I'm 24 F, my height is 1.64. 48 kg wasn't good for my health, so in the past year I gained some pounds, now my weight is 58. I always struggled with my self image, didn't matter if I was skinny or chubbier. My boyfriend always was chubby, never the fit type, so I thought he would understand bodyshaming more than anyone. Last year he started to tell me how big my hands, legs or stomach was. Everyday. His main excuse - "I'm just joking, relax". He gets mad after I get angry about his words. I told him a long time ago that I don't like it but he still keeps commenting about my appearance. I love him and I don't want to break up. Half year ago I developed a mental illness and now I'm trying to heal and all of this doesn't help at all.