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The original was posted on /r/electricians by /u/bodegroot1 on 2024-01-17 22:16:50+00:00.
So you know those intercom phones / door phone (not entirely sure what they're actually called) that opens the front door of the building in an appartment complex. This is one of those euro appartment buildings where you have one front door with loads of buttons to ring whatever unit you need, and all units are accessible only through this door. My client currently has one of these intercome phones with a switch on it. When the switch is on 'on', the buildings front door opens as soon as you ring the bell for his unit outside. And if the switch is on 'off', the front door of the building only opens after you answer the phone, then press the 'open door' button. Does an intercom with a timer exist, or will i just need to install a separate timer?
Ps. His appartment is used for a business so so in business times itshould open easy and not afterhours.
Pps. I'm living in a country where i barely know the language, so googling is kinda fucked