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The original was posted on /r/datahoarder by /u/Ironwolf99 on 2024-01-15 02:26:22+00:00.
I've been hunting for a desktop SSD as in one that literally sits on the top of your desk and never moves.
Ideally it is about 5tb plus or minus a few, fast as hell, and has multiple ports. That last part starts to get in to the difficult question for me to find the answer to. I don't know if this should be accomplished via multiple connects, a switch of some kind, or whether it can even have two active connections. My knowledge of how SSDs work and their limitations is very, well, limited.
I want this drive to be
Storage for both my partner and I to store (and trade to an extent) all our important files/docs. As such I want a way to keep it connected to both of our computers so we don't have to constantly switch the cable around.
Photos (and a lot because we're both photography hobbyists),
As well as be able to install and run a steam game or two if possible (but not a make or break on this one).
Most importantly, I have a Win11 PC and tablet, and she has a Macbook Pro. So it would need to play nice with both. I'm sure there's a relatively easy answer, even if the answer is I can't. But because of how specific my need is I've really struggled finding the answers.