this post was submitted on 12 Jan 2025
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submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by imaqtpie to c/main

Hello all, it is with a heavy heart that I must admit that I have become the drama that I always sought to avoid for this server. In this case, I could easily let sleeping dogs lie, but I'm somewhat exhausted and I don't really see the point of continuing here if there isn't some semblance of justice or rational thought to be found. More to the point, if Lemmy continues to display outright hostility and toxicity towards Americans at every turn, there is virtually no chance that this platform will ever develop beyond its current fringe status.

Although this server is based in Canada, I think we probably have a good number of Americans, and also despite recent events I think Canadians and Americans are fairly similar and have historically gotten along quite well with one another. I'm curious if a more diverse array of people will find any value in my actions, or if I'm truly just shouting into the wind. Strap in, because this is gonna be a long one.

This all started yesterday when @[email protected] made a post to AskLemmy. The original post read as follows.

I responded here. I had indeed noticed the constant derisive comments regarding Americans, although I didn't agree with the assumption that such comments were made by Russian/Chinese agents, and stated as much.

In my view, the responses to both OP and myself in that thread constitute clear evidence that at least one of our assumptions was true. In response to being called out on their hateful behavior, a number of users proceeded to double down, attempting to gaslight myself and OP and even suggesting that we were actually the Russian spies 🕵️‍♂️

Several hours later, one of our users decided to make a post "exposing" my behavior on [email protected]. Despite the fact that I hadn't utilized any moderator powers during this saga, he found my words to be offensive enough to post on said community. The post was eventually removed because it was unsuitable for the community, but not before I had replied in defense of myself. This was unfortunate, although understandable, because I felt that my response was something that Lemmy users could benefit from hearing.

I made this post because I want my fellow users to judge whether my actions and thoughts were reasonable, and I also want to expose this individual for what they are. My first option was [email protected], but it's not allowed to post drama that you're involved in. Also, I'm not really looking for the opinions of people who subscribe to drama communities on Lemmy, but rather the opinions of the average user. So here's the screenshot of the removed post.

Here's my reply.

It'll probably be easier reading if you go to my profile and/or his profile. Although the post was deleted, the comments should still appear in our profiles.

To summarize, this user bullied a brand new user into deleting their account, responding to an innocent, highly upvoted meme with this comment

He let’s me freely hang out at his nice place full of amenities so I can’t badmouth him

Lmfao, no, you can, you just like the taste of boot, and the benefits he gives you (that he only has because he exploits people like you) too much to.

Also, those last two points in the meme, as well as this being your only post on a new account strongly suggest that this is a troll, or at the very least, a really sad LARP, rather than observations made by someone who has ever spent any time at all with any actual rich people.

Two days later, he decided to call me out for mod abuse, despite the fact that I hadn't removed a single comment of his. Now he's decided to move over to, thank goodness.

But overall, aside from the specifics of this drama, I also want y'all to render judgment on whether or not Lemmy tends to exhibit a toxic attitude towards Americans. Notice that I said Americans, not America. I don't give a shit if people criticize and blatantly shit on America for the decisions that our government makes. But it's far too often that Lemmy users go beyond that line and decide to hurl personal insults towards Americans, often in completely non-political communities. I've always had thick skin and an open mind, so if I'm getting annoyed by it, my assumption is that most other Americans will find it intolerable. And although we don't need to be a majority American site by any means, the sheer numbers dictate that if Americans find this site intolerable, it will never achieve mainstream success.

And if I hear one more fucking person say that America only joined World War 2 after it was already over, or that we were cowards for not joining sooner, I swear to God I'ma start criticizing the metric system again 😂


Thanks for the replies, I'll try to be less of an arrogant prick going forward and in return I'd like people to reflect on my words from time to time. My primary motivation is making Lemmy better and having more diverse viewpoints, I wouldn't have called anyone out if I didn't feel that some of you are creating an environment that is self-destructive towards our goals in that regard. But maybe I'm overreacting, I would just ask you to put yourself in other people's shoes before making comments, and remember that we're all on the same team here, even the North American Scum

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[–] [email protected] 13 points 2 months ago (3 children)

America isn't a true democracy. There's gerrymandering, and electoral college, and first past the post. But it used to have one little bit of democracy left at the federal level. And then America voted for Trump.

Kamala didn't even get the popular vote. Because Americans didn't think it was worth trying to win that like they did in 2016. The popular vote is the bragging rights to say the government doesn't represent the people, and Americans didn't want it.

So, Americans chose to be thought of by the world as fascists. Not all of them, but most of them didn't get up and choose otherwise. Few enough said no, that more were able to say yes. The default American image is a fascist. Nobody should be beholden to a default image, but that is the starting point. The mode average.

[–] Jiggle_Physics 4 points 2 months ago (2 children)

this is a nitpick, but Trump actually closely lost the popular vote once all sources were fully accounted for.

[–] Grumpy 6 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Your source says Trump won the popular vote.

Harris got 74.46m votes and Trump got 76.94m votes in the graph.

And the US Election Atlas claims 77.1m for Trump and 74.7m Harris.

[–] Jiggle_Physics 1 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (1 children)

This was actually the next link down, but the one I went to post retracted since I read it. So yes, my post was incorrect.

[–] UniversalMonk 1 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (1 children)

And close or not, Trump did win the popular vote, and we just have to accept it and move on. (and no, I didn't vote for him.)

[–] Jiggle_Physics 1 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Yeah, the place i had originally read it now shows a retraction based on a bad report, replied a little further down

[–] UniversalMonk 0 points 2 months ago

Yep, I see your reply now. Didn't see it before. Good on ya for noticing it. Thanks!

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 months ago

With 96% of the vote in, Trump has, according to the Associated Press, 49.97% to Vice President Harris' 48.36%, or 76.9 million votes to 74.4 million.

Drag can't find your statement in this article. Did you send the right one?

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 months ago (2 children)

And all the bigoted right wing European governments are what?

All the unelected head of states in Europe are democratic?

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (1 children)

You're right, monarchs aren't democratic. Which means, monarchs have no claim to represent the will of the people. The English have no choice in who King Charles is, so he doesn't reflect on them. The Americans had a choice in Trump and they decided they wanted him over Kamala. So he's reflective of who they are.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Monarchs are still popular enough to keep their symbolic role, otherwise they would have been disposed.

The topic regularly comes up in the UK, Belgium, Spain, Denmark etc. The usual consensus in those countries is that the monarchy brings some stability between the governments. Also, when you look at the French and the lifetime salaries and benefits they pay their former presidents, republics are not automatically that much cheaper.

[–] taladar 4 points 2 months ago (2 children)

Monarchs are still popular enough to keep their symbolic role, otherwise they would have been disposed.

Not necessarily. This just means that the issue of the monarchy isn't important enough to most people to start a violent revolution over it or make it their main issue to vote on (if there even are parties making it part of their agenda to remove the monarchy).

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago (1 children)

A big part of the issue is: what do you replace it with, if you remove the monarch?

It's an issue that comes up a lot here in Australia, where not only do we have a monarch; we have a monarch who isn't from this country and does not care for this country. You'd think getting rid of the monarch would be a no brainer. But what do we do instead?

Most politically-aware Australians look at America and decide quite clearly: a directly elected President with significant political powers is a bad idea. The Parliamentary system is a good one. But would that mean directly electing a Governor-General who keeps the powers that role has today? As we saw in 1975, that's actually quite considerable power, kept in check today mainly because it is extremely unpopular and is seen as undemocratic due to the unelected nature of the role to use those powers too freely. But it doesn't exactly feel right to some people (myself not included) to keep the current system, only change it from "Monarch appoints a Governor General on the advice of the Prime Minister" to "Prime Minister appoints a Governor General". That makes it feel to some to be more politicised. Appointment by 2/3rds majority of Parliament could also work.

There are some who genuinely would like an American system, too, of course.

The difficulty is in getting people to agree not just to make a change, but on what that change should look like. Most Australians are very conservative, in the sense of "it seems to work, let's not risk it by changing it."

I've also seen some people suggest moving to an Australian monarch. The Irwin family has been suggested, or the Warnes, given how iconicly Australian Steve Irwin and Shane Warne were. Personally, I like to jokingly say we should go with the Abney-Hastings, the male-preference primogeniture descendants of the Plantaginet line of British monarchs, who would be on the British throne today were claims that Edward IV was illegitimate to have been taken seriously at the time. And who currently reside in rural Victoria.

[–] taladar 3 points 2 months ago

The difficulty is in getting people to agree not just to make a change, but on what that change should look like.

This is certainly a component in most political decisions favoring the status quo too, that is a good point. By definition there is only one status quo but many options for alternatives that might not each have a majority of its own even if the sum of their proponents might be larger than the people actually favoring the status quo itself.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago

Both can be true, depends on the country.

In Spain for instance 58% of the population supports maintaining the monarchy:

But to be honest, the whole monarchy thing is exaggerated when you look at the map

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 months ago (1 children)

And all the bigoted right wing European governments are what?

Which ones? At the moment I only see Italy and Hungary.

France's far-right can't come to power as the other two third of the Parliament is Left and Center blocks.

UK is labour:

The Dutch are in a coalition with the Centrists and the Farmers:

Germany has to vote again in February:

Even Austria has a Centrist government:

The European Parliament 2 first groups are Center-Right and Left:

All the unelected head of states in Europe are democratic?

Which ones? The kings and queens who have no political powers, or the prime ministers who come from the party with the most votes?

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (1 children)

Unelected heads of state is clear. I did not say heads of government.

History shows us that racism is to Europe as fish are to the sea.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Unelected heads of state is clear.

So the kings and queens who hold no political power?

History shows us that racism is to Europe as fish to the sea.

Racism was everywhere during human history.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (1 children)

No sir, that is a lie.

Modern racism is very much rooted in European pseudo-scientific bullshit.

And those kings and queens do hold power, unofficially, off the books. It's called corruption when it happens elsewhere but as we know Europeans are too pure and righteous to engage in corruption (at home), they only do it abroad when lobbying for contracts illegally...

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (1 children)

Modern racism is very much rooted in European pseudo-scientific bullshit.

Feel free to provide sources.

And those kings and queens very much hold power, unofficially, off the books.

When that happens, the king abdicates. Happened in Spain not too long ago

It’s called corruption when it happens elsewhere but as we know Europeans are too pure and righteous to engage in corruption (at home), they only do it abroad when lobbying for contracts illegally.

Oh, don't worry, we have plenty of corruption at home too:

The one thing the European Union still hasn't do is elect a leader similar to Trump (especially a convicted felon). As stated above, the European Parliament isn't dominated by the far-right, and only 2 countries are currently governed by full far-right coalitions.

[–] [email protected] -1 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (1 children)

Phrenology and “Scientific Racism” in the 19th Century

The familiar paradigm of five human races was born in the year 1795—at the transitional moment between the rationality of the Enlightenment and the emotional fervour of Romanticism—when a German doctor, Johann Friedrich Blumenbach, set out the distinct characteristics of those groups he called Caucasians Mongolians, Ethiopians, Americans, and Malays.

(Line deleted due to sensitive Europeans :p)

And you found the one example of a monarch being forced to abdicate and ignored the dozens (if not hundreds) of cases of European monarchs interceding in the political process and not facing any sanctions. Or worse, actively breaking the law of the land and then being protected from prosecution as was the case with Prince Andrew of England when his mother ensured that he faced no real investigation into his alleged proclivities.

Lords of War: The British Monarchy And The Arms Trade

What’s wrong with Britain? Let’s start with the monarchy

King Charles and Prince William Accused of 'Corruption' Over Their Millions

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 months ago (1 children)

The Germans once again. Must be something in the Rhine…

@[email protected] , example of derogatory comments towards another country

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 months ago (1 children)

How about you read the entire post instead of picking out one line that you do not like.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago

Before going further, may I ask you where you are from? Would help to see which country's historical racism can be used to evidence that racism was everywhere during human history.

[–] imaqtpie 2 points 2 months ago (1 children)

That's actually reassuring to hear, coming from you.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

You're welcome ^-^