this post was submitted on 10 Dec 2024
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[–] Draconic_NEO 2 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Oh yeah? What type would that be? Someone who’s standing up to fascists and terrorist simps?

Average political troll like @[email protected] (banned now). I mean you were literally banned for calling leftists radicalized terrorists, just like linkerbaan was banned for similar bad faith name-calling and accusations. Modlogs, they're a very nice thing on Lemmy, even if you don't have them on mbin.

Oh and before you start crying about being abused by mods and admins, I haven't been banned from instances or communities for hate speech or aggression, mods don't regularly tell me to stop doing that because it's against the rules. I don't have a modlog filled with aggressive comments calling people names or making repeated bad faith accusations that don't hold any merit. If you don't realize how the problem is with you and your behavior you'll probably continue to be banned and have comments removed, adding to your reputation.

You’re derailing, it’s not about whether they commit ANY crimes.

It's about whether they would, and they would and do which is why I called them criminals, and if we're discussing the topic of DNT why'd you stop there? You realize that what I said about it is completely true.

Therefore a system that relies on them complying and not tracking you before they’ve been caught violating it, will not work. It’s exactly what they want because the other option, the better one interrupts their tracking regardless of whether they want to comply or not.

That a system which does not enforce their own compliance won't work, and that they'll love it because they can not comply and if they don't get caught nothing will happen. It's a system that does not work with the average big tech white-collar criminals who think they are above the law and only start giving a fuck after they get caught.

Whereas actually blocking their trackers (and advertisements in extreme mode) and feeding them false fingerprinting data does solve the tracking problem, better than asking them and assuming their compliance ever could.