A community for Bungie's FPS looter-shooter MMO Destiny/Destiny 2
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- for official forums, patch notes, blogs, and more
The official Destiny 2 Companion app for both iOS and Android
D2 Checklist to track weekly content
-, a database of weapons and items
Destiny Item Manager to manage your vault and inventory
Destiny 2 Armor Picker to manage armor and stats
Destiny Tracker to track player stats
Trials Report to view player stats for Trials of Osiris
Datto for guides, general and PvE-focused gameplay, and discussion
My name is Byf for in-depth lore videos
CoolGuy for in-depth weapon and armor reviews
Aztecross for general gameplay, builds, and more
ninjy for weapon damage testing
Other Lemmy Destiny Communities:
Destiny 2 Builds for character builds
LowSodiumDestiny for a salt-free Destiny community
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Destiny has not been fun to be into much for a long while. As someone who bought every expansion since day 1 of Destiny 2, my friends and I just got tired of Bungie blame game and will wait for when the expansion is on some dirt cheap sale to see the end of the story.
Yeah :/ The actual missions are good but all the "filler" is just ... kinda disrespectful of our time/not particularly fun.
Like I will say, this expansion was significantly better than the strand one. The missions actually felt like they were significant, the areas were varried, they added some new enemy types, and they did a decent job of "sucking me into the story" that the strand campaign just couldn't do.
That said, it kinda feels like they need to drop the "MMO" idea, add an actual global difficulty modifier, and then find a way to make enemies that are strong not just because they've got a lot of health and hit hard. I think DOOM and Remnant have done both of those things particularly well in their recent releases, it goes from "everything is really hard" to "it kinda feels like a dance as I slaughter everything in this general area" in both games once you get the cadence down/practice how to fight the event type enough.