submitted 4 days ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

And, for bonus points, how are they made?

These seem like an awfully important test piece. I'm pretty sure they're just checking for glucose with some enzyme or something. But who knows, maybe its something simple or everyday? Are all brands using the same materials?

submitted 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

cross-posted from: https://ani.social/post/4445760

I’m a nurse working shifts and sometimes 5 days without a pause and I still don’t know if I’m gonna take one of the 2 9 to 5 jobs my hospital system has offered. I’d earn less money, but I’m already 45 years old and I don’t know if I should call it quits and settle for a regular job 5 days a week and free weekends for the rest of my working life. Hustling in nursing is ok if you are in your 20s or 30s but in my 40s? I don’t see it.

I like the extras I get for working shifts but it’s taxing. I’ve been doing nursing for 6 years already and neither do I know how difficult is the transition going to be.

submitted 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Update: The answer to my question wasn't certain, but the conclusion I came to is that there's no option to delete my account for this Japanese website.

I have absolutely no clue where else to ask this. All the places I've thought of, I feel that people would get mad for being off topic.

First off, I can't read Japanese. Some months ago I created an account on a Japanese website called 5Channel (be.5ch.net) because I was trying to help share an archival project for the Nintendo 3DS SpotPass service, which was shutting down at the time. I used Yandex translator to screenshot the web pages and navigate and understand the site and how to create an account. After making an account, I never ended up figuring out how to actually use the website.

So now, it's been a few months, and all I want to do is delete the account which I no longer need. I've been using Yandex again to try to find a settings page for my account where I can delete it, but I simply cannot find the option anywhere. I know with some sites, you need to contact the site owners through email to delete your account, which is normally mentioned in the websites policy agreement. But no matter where I look, I simply can't find any information on how to find this policy. Does anyone have any advice and/or knows a better place to ask for help with this? Thanks.

submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

read right as polite, because they get offended easily.

I’m a male nurse in a predominantly female unit.

How I see a job: I'm there to work and go home and don't want to socialize. Each of my coworkers is welcomed to talk about work with me, but I don’t disclose my personal life, age or life goals with them. Work and let me work. If you need help, call me, we’ll work together.

How my unit works: there is a group that’s childish and gossipy, don’t know boundaries and act like a clique, but maybe 50% of the unit are people that work and let me work, help me and I help them (with the gossip clique this is not always the case).

I was sick for 4 weeks and I’ve decided this is a good opportunity to establish boundaries, something I’ve never done at my current unit. Why now? Being sick I had time to think what I don’t want in my life: faking interest in the sexual life or my coworkers, knowing who started dating who or what they think of Biden or the second amendment ain’t things I care about. I’ve had a coworker trying to find me a girlfriend a week after knowing me. No thanks.

I'm entertaining other job prospects and I still don’t know if I’m gonna jump ship, so for the time being, I'm here. Where I work I’m forced to eat with the rest of the team, including the gossips, so I’m trapped (because if I don’t eat with them they’ll start asking why I’m so unfriendly or if I’m angry at them and feel offended, they simply cannot understand that sometimes I want time to unwind without them).

What I think I could tell them, next time they start with their inquisitive questions:

‘I’ve worked here for a year already. It should be clear by now that I’m not a talkative person. This is a question I don’t want to answer. And I hope that you respect that.’

‘that I don’t talk doesn’t mean I hate you, it means I have nothing to say’ < I find it ludicrous even having to explain this.

‘I don’t see what that has to do with the job’

‘I don’t talk about religion, politics or my private life with coworkers and I hope you respect that’

should they keep pestering:

‘all right, I need time to unwind, which means today I’ll spend my pause somewhere else.’ and proceed to eat alone somewhere else.

And if they pester yet again:

‘leave me alone’

if by this point some of them start giving me the evil eye and afterwards start ignoring me or treat me differently, time to accelerate my transfer to another unit.

If you like keeping boundaries with your coworkers, what do you tell them that works?

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I’m probably just out of the loop, but what the hell is up with slapping “Punk” after some random word and trying to pass it off as a thing?

I know cyberpunk, I know steampunk, I know solarpunk, and those I can accept as “more than an aesthetic”, tho steampunk is mostly an aesthetic… but then you have for example frostpunk (a game I know nothing about), cypherpunk, silkpunk, etc. (I don’t really know how to find other bastardizations for examples, but I know I’ve come across other random nouns followed by “punk” and I find it super weird and confusing)

Is it just capitalizing on the cyberpunk/steampunk fad for naming, or do these other “punk” things actually have a legitimate claim of being punk? Is all this ___punk watering down the meaning or am I old man yells at cloud meme here?

submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I mean, the price of the product is the same, I'm taking a loan for the duration of the credit but paying no interest?
What's the catch?
I can keep my money making a bit of interest instead of giving it right away and without increasing the price of what I was already planning to buy. When or why wouldn't I choose 0% credits?

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I've started sunbathing because... reasons.

second day: I applied sunscreen to my skin and after some 30 seconds of rubbing my arms, I started to see what I could be dead skin on my hands: tiny balls of grey and white junk, the size of one to several sand grains, but not hard to press like sand or a tiny particle of wood.

The other thing that crossed my mind is it could be rests of the chemical sunscreen I use. Has this ever happened to you with chemical screens?

Is this normal?

submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

after running under the rain for 30 minutes my white sneakers had a foul stench. I tried disinfectant and washing them with soap and water and lots of rubbing and sunlight to dry.

While that got rid of most of the smell, my white sneakers are now brownish, specially around the shoelaces.

I've never washed sneakers in the washing machine. Am I going to ruin them?

submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

(non-native speaker)

Is there a reason why the English language has "special" words for a specific topic, like related to court (plaintiff, defendant, warrant, litigation), elections/voting (snap election, casting a ballot)?

And in other cases seems lazy, like firefighter, firetruck, homelessness (my favorite), mother-in-law, newspaper.

submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

the way i understand it hibernating an OS dumps ram to a file and powers off, so could it be possible to run two OSs "simultaneously" by alternating between hibernations?

submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

City boy checking in.

So, this one time out on a hike in a semi-rural area, the trail opened out on a grassy riverbank kind of place, and there were a dozen or so cows between me and the path onwards.

Now, I mostly grasp which end of a cow the grass goes in, but that's about my limit; I have no real idea how they operate IRL.

I ended up carefully edging my way past them and gave them as much space as I possibly could, and got extremely stared at by all of them, who probably thought I was nuts.

Just out of curiosity - how careful did I need to be? Can you just like walk through the middle of them, or would that be asking for trouble?

submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

So I got a notice from Ticketmaster that my identity was accessed by an intruder and my name, contact info and /encrypted/ payment info was compromised. These notices are more and more common. Why aren't companies accountable for damages when they fail to protect all the myriad data they collect on people without consent? I never asked them to store these things..

submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I'm going to university this September. Nearly everybody says "In university they don't try to understand what you've written it is unintelligible." My handwriting is incredibly ugly. I want to improve it by the time I go to uni.

In elementary school they only taught me cursive handwriting. And I never bothered to learn print handwriting. I can write like that but I'm really slow at it.

How can I improve my handwriting? Which exercises I should do?

Thanks in advance!

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Just a shower thought. Seeing how these structures took decades to build in their times, and that too entirely with manual labour, I was wondering how long these architectural marvels would take to be built in this post modern era with the help of our technological advancements.

Imagine the world has dedicated its focus and the entirety of its resources on building just one Pyramid as quickly as possible out of the same materials and in the same location as the original ones. The medium of construction has no constraints but the end result must be indistinguishable, structure and composition wise.

I would love to hear how the process would take place in addition.

submitted 1 week ago by Ziggurat to c/[email protected]

When I was a kid, I learned about Dinosaur being "giant lizard", and it's been may-be 10 years, that I hear "Birds are dinosaurs".

I am curious on how the concept evolve, both among paleontologists, and among the general public.

submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

For example the living room is a middle square and the kitchen and bed rooms are not aligned but just smaller squares added to the sides

submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I believe lighting plays a very important part in making a scene realistic when it comes to creating one artificially, like in 3D modelling. That is why I also think the lighting of these AI generated images is the prime source of what impresses people about these images since no matter how unrealistic or distorted the subject is, the lighting makes it look like a natural part of the background. This is clearly different from photos like from poorly Photoshopped ones where the subject feels deliberately inserted into the scene from a cutout.

I am interested to understand how LLMs understand the context of the lighting when creating images. Do they make use of samples which happen to have the exact same lighting positions or do they add the lighting as an overlay instead? Also, why is it that lighting doesn't look convincing in some cases like having multiple subjects together etc.?

submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

a'la 2010, would any moons that survive then be considered 'planets' ?

submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I saw an article about them attacking Lebanon now. So, where will it stop? Have the Israeli government ever spoken about this?

submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Reddit is blocking vpns and invites users to create a ticket if they think there's been an error. I almost created a ticket with email address [email protected] saying i wasn't sure if I was using a VPN with the body text just being "fuckyouspez!!!!" over and over. I didn't submit it because I thought for a moment "would this be illegal to submit?" It probably isn't, but I am not sure.

submitted 2 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Disclaimer: I am not trolling, I am an autistic person who doesn’t understand so many social nuances. Also I am from New Hampshire (97% white), so I just don’t have any close African-American friends that I am willing to risk asking such a loaded question.

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I haven't run windows since 2019. However I need to boot my old drive to grab some data. I really need to make sure this system doesn't update any windows components, but I'll need it to have internet access for a portion of the time.

On a different system, I used to have two reg keys that I would run to disable or enable updates when I found that disabling the services only worked until the watchdog would re enable them. Those resulted in updates saying something was wrong, which is perfect by me.

Now that web searches for stuff like this are all AI-gen'd SEO BS, can anyone tell me or point me to a reliable resource for truly disabling updates on Win 10?

PS - Bonus points if Anyone can link me to the page I used a few years back that had all sorts of privacy enhancing and telemetry disabling option on the left side and would create a reg file for applying those changes on the right. It might have been a purple theme, I forget.

Edit: it may also have been a "services" command that fully disabled services from CLI where the GUI says access denied. I forget.

Edit 2: I got the updates services disabled via registry. Thanks to those who refreshed my old Windows admin memory. I dumped Windows on my personal systems years ago, and haven't had to think about this for a while. It's a shame when the operating system changes to this model of SaaS where they call all the shots. I want security updates, but not bleeding edge drivers, candy crush, "feature enhancements", random unexpected reboots, etc. I miss when the update feature didn't assume nobody in the world could handle manual updates. You know, like sudo apt-get update.

submitted 2 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

This seems insane to me. I live in a city where maybe 50-60% of people have cars, and most don't drive them that much. Yet every grocery store I'm aware of with the sole exception of the expensive Whole Foods has a fuel rewards points program. Reasons this should be controversial enough to enable a low-cost alternative:

  1. Many people don't drive and therefore pay a little more for groceries because it includes a perk they don't use
  2. It seems like a very ardent pro-fossil fuel move that you'd think would cause some sort of negative attention from environment activists.
  3. The subsidy typically applies as an amount off per gallon, so you end up really subsidizing big vehicles with big gas tanks. Again, really makes some customers subsidize others and you'd think people (other than me) would be annoyed at this.

But yet, virtually every grocery store does this. Anyone know why? Does the fossil fuel industry somehow encourage this?

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