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[–] yunxiaoli 2 points 1 day ago

I think having to choose between food and rent already makes America's economy circa 2024 worse than most developing countries.

[–] yunxiaoli -1 points 1 day ago (7 children)

Went full maga-level 'lern inglish you foreigner' just from me pointing out your mistake?

I did think you were European but at most you must be German based on how you act. Either that or American, you all tend to blend together after a while.

In any case don't you have some brown people to bomb while pretending to care about these Muslims?

[–] yunxiaoli 23 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

What do you think the US has been doing in yemen for the last twenty years?

There hasn't been a week in the last twenty years where US bombs haven't killed yemeni civilians.

[–] yunxiaoli 6 points 1 day ago

The US wastes a few hundred million shooting down a few hundred dollars worth of missiles and drones, the us then wastes a few hundred million bombing yemeni civilians, increasing the number of houthis and encouraging monetary support to be given to the houthis.

They've been playing the US for over a decade and have learned from all the dozens of other people that have militarily beat the US how exactly to do it.

[–] yunxiaoli 13 points 1 day ago

Always has been, actually the North Vietnamese were the rebel alliance according to Lucas, but the US has always been the bad guys in that media franchise.

[–] yunxiaoli 0 points 1 day ago (9 children)

Correct, the correct interpretation is that a report the UN published, when compared with the public knowledge of us prisons is nothing special.

As in you, the reader, do the comparison to come to a conclusion, instead of having people feed you what options you should have.

I know the Americans banned critical thought in schools, did that extend to your country as well?

[–] yunxiaoli 0 points 1 day ago (11 children)

....i never claimed there was. I know English isn't your first language but I thought all you westerners had to learn it properly.

[–] yunxiaoli -1 points 1 day ago (13 children)

No UN report has ever found sterilization or organ harvesting happening in Xinjiang. Ever. At literally any point. There were unsubstantiated claims of that from the same people saying the suicide bombers were justified.

[–] yunxiaoli -2 points 1 day ago

So you understand that the secessionist movement in Texas is a farce that never has majority support but despite that also being the case in Taiwan you don't believe it?

The independence party in Taiwan's local government never gets anywhere and has never had majority support. The current Taiwanese government does not support independence.

Also no. The last time Tibet was free that had institutionalized child sex slaves for members of their theocratic government. Those monsters should never be in power again, and now that their former slaves are free and members of a country that treats them equally, they agree.

It's just former aristocrats that again owned child sex slaves, like the dalai lama, that think tibet should be "free". But I guess it's only natural people from the country with no law against child marriages would support Tibets return to their old society.

[–] yunxiaoli 12 points 1 day ago (14 children)

Shhh, don't you know America was the perfect bastion of freedom until out of nowhere some racists spawned into existence in 2008 and then with those vile subhuman Russians brainwashed innocent Americans in 2016 to plunge this perfectly equitable democracy immediately into fascism which was single handedly defeated by the most progressive man to exist in the last 600 years, Joe Biden, until those filthy fucking ruskies teamed up with hundreds of millions of tankies to plunge our once great nation back into fascism?‽!

[–] yunxiaoli -4 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (15 children)

Not really. Again according to the UN report nothing China has done is special compared to just normal American prisons. Except fewer uighurs as a percentage of their population were ever imprisoned than just black men as a percentage of the total black population.

If what you believe happened in Xinjiang is genocide, America is currently commiting genocide on twice the scale for the past 120 years.

[–] yunxiaoli -4 points 1 day ago (21 children)

China has more mosques than the US, and Xinjiang is majority Muslim.

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