They used to claim gay people caused hurricanes, too. Same fucking bigotry for decades.
We saw a very sophisticated attack on Linux earlier this year with the XZ exploit. That stuff is terrifying and the sort of thing people should be worried about. SELinux is tame, by comparison.
sudo !!
Will also run the previous command with sudo, fwiw.
Yeah that telecommunications part is working out great right now, huh? Well, i guess we just gotta keep fighting them.
Liberal democracies consistently underestimate the threat of fascism and do not take appropriate steps to stop it.
Paranoia (to a healthy degree) is good for information security professionals but drives literally everyone else crazy. I wish people would adopt more of that, though. Maybe we'd see fewer data breaches...
Yeah, Bush did jack shit while his minions ruined everything. The show may be better this time but that doesn't mean it won't be destructive. Still, we can hope.
Love that one. "Evidence disagrees with our theories? Don't worry, we have a theory for that! It's actually the evidence that's wrong."
Generally, you shouldn't brag that your theories are unfalsifiable.
Sounds also like it's trying to suck Musk off. "Look at how much money he has! That's so important! It's a lot more than Trump has!"
I had a very similar experience. Read about it. Mined a couple coins just to try it. Said "Well that'll never go anywhere". I think i still had them years later but by the time i remembered i couldn't find where the wallet ended to. I think it's gone, now.
Let's not forget, on that note: Biden picking him was bad but so was Obama nominating him to the SCOTUS to begin with. Replacement for Scalia or not, we see what that led to. Garland getting on the Court wouldn't really be making a difference there either.
Ferrari disagrees. Expensive sports cars are kind of a different story than driver's licenses, though.