
joined 2 years ago
[–] winterayars 2 points 2 months ago

That said, in hindsight: you burn the police precinct. Minneapolis got it right, this shit can't be salvaged, it can't be turned to good use. Burn it.

[–] winterayars 10 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Looks like it's a for profit company so take a guess...

[–] winterayars 1 points 2 months ago

Republicans always turn out to vote for their candidate

Ever wonder why that's the case?

[–] winterayars 1 points 2 months ago

Nawwe, fuck off with that. There's no reason to believe that graph represents anything except what was in the mind of the person who made it.

[–] winterayars 4 points 2 months ago (2 children)

It's totally crazy to me that Trump and crew are planning who to use the full power of the United States to murder and the Democratic Party is trying to figure out who to blame for it.

We need them to fight or what good are they?

[–] winterayars 3 points 2 months ago

Their job was to demonstrate that they knew what was happening, had a plan to address it, and their plan was being blocked by politicians who had none of that. They didn't even try and i don't think they ever really wanted to. Same with Obama bailing out the banks and leaving the regular people with the bill during the financial crash of 2008. (That was in no small part Bush's fault, but he didn't even try something different.)

[–] winterayars 2 points 2 months ago

That is the only lesson they are ever capable of winning. If they win, it's because they were like the Republicans so they should be more like the Republicans. If they lose, ti's because they weren't like the Republicans enough.

The Democratic base, and i say this as someone who willingly voted straight D ticket and has for a long time, keeps trying to kick the football and the Democratic Party keeps yanking it back at the last second. Every time.

[–] winterayars 3 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (3 children)

I think it was obviously insane from the start. It was clear long before 2024, before 2020 even. Offering a racist a ham sandwich isn't going to get him to vote for you when the alternative is offering him the whole pig. Campaigning that way and losing once looks like an accident. Doing it... however the fuck many times we've seen this play out now looks like it's on purpose.

[–] winterayars 2 points 2 months ago

How many democratic presidents have had control of all three branches of government?

Just pointing out: this is an insane take.

For example, Obama had control of the House, Senate, and Presidency. He spent that whole time trying to get Republicans to vote for Obamacare and at the end of all that, none of them did. He watered everything down and they refused to vote for it anyway and then Obamacare passed without them. Who would vote for that? Only people who for whom the alternative is an actual catastrophe.

[–] winterayars 6 points 2 months ago

I don't think there has ever, in history, been a group capable of doing that at this scale other than the Democratic Party. They are the greatest to ever do it.

[–] winterayars 2 points 2 months ago

$0.80, something like that.

[–] winterayars 1 points 2 months ago
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