She's definitely going after the Republicans because they're the ones who have the power to force this release. The Dems have no real impact as long as the Republicans vote as a bloc, which they are likely to do. This is basically a threat to people who might step out of line that their records might be next.
He hasn't been found guilty of anything, yet, but that's largely (imo) because the Merrick Garland DOJ has refused to prosecute and blocked attempts to independently figure out what the hell he's doing.
I think it's highly likely he's guilty of sex trafficking minors and both the DOJ and the ethics committee know this.
If he had an "R" next to his name, no doubt.
She's not, i don't think she wants this to happen and i think she knows that people won't agree to this kind of thing.
But what she's saying is right. The people deserve to know what our representatives are up to.
One trans person does a school shooting and all school shootings are the fault of trans people existing, forever :(
Sounds like the exact kind of entitled, whiny man babies i was expecting.
The whole Ukraine crisis started with the offer of an EU accession agreement to Ukraine in 2014
I think the crisis technically started with a military invasion. If not that, then we could go back and forth on this to the founding of NATO and before.
People should use better sources and call out the ADL when it's used but they're right on this. This information predates their current madness.
The SPLC's information is, unfortunately, nowhere near as comprehensive but they also list it. As does Wikipedia.
Anyone using "Austria 88" knows exactly what they're doing. No way you put that together by chance.
It's funny because China (and a number of countries including the US, but particularly China) doesn't really like how open and decentralized the Internet is. If the Chinese government had their way it would not look like this, but somehow they were pushed to join in.
Honestly it's looking increasingly likely but i'm still holding out hope.
Republican men tend to expect (demand) all women be open and willing to date them, also to become ultra submissive to them and warp their entire lives around whatever the dude desires. It's fucked up but it's a real problem if you're a woman. (Non-Republican men and even women can also have similar expectations, but there's a reason "Would you date a Republican man?" is a meme.)
They have surveillance footage and logs of so these people were from when they entered, surely. No arrests means they're choosing to not arrest.