[-] [email protected] 27 points 7 months ago

That's what I was thinking. Boy's got a brain as smooth as a river stone, and somehow that's lost its point?

[-] [email protected] 28 points 7 months ago

Basically, “it’s not good for your happiness nor your ability to be open to new ideas. It’s also bad for society, so maybe we need to rethink this”

Ah yes fresh ideas like "we should have a treasonous rapist for president" or "maybe the party that doesn't believe women are real people is for me" or "as a non-white cis male, maybe I have too many rights."

If it were 20 years ago, maybe this piece would make a little sense, but republicans are full mask off now. I don't know that I would call it bullying, but I would call a piece that unironically suggests women (or anyone) engage with these people incredibly naive at best, and in 2023, just downright stupid.

[-] [email protected] 27 points 8 months ago

fucking every site. Yesterday's search "after credits the marvels." The results:

The history of the Marvel company is in many ways a...

[-] [email protected] 28 points 8 months ago

So many things in your house that are probably pissing you off:

  • it's very easy to replace an outlet that doesn't hold a plug or is a little off for whatever reason.
  • ditto light switches
  • door handles and shit. We hated the jank handle on our patio door that barely worked and required specialized training to get to lock. $12 for a new one, that was much more aesthetically from this decade. (that said, some lock lube, which is a thing, goes a long way)
  • ditto for the various shitty faucets in this house (or any slightly older house.) You can get a ton of bathroom fixtures for under $30.
  • hinges. Unless you're trying to re-hang a safe door, you're going to be under $20.
  • faucet diffuser. They just screw on. Have you lived in your place for more than a few years and haven't replace them? Just do it, it's like $4 a faucet.
  • doorbell. Smart doorbells can easily be had for under $50. A little easier often than replacing the traditional bell because you usually have a plug in chime rather than something wired.
  • a can of sprayfoam. Seal that area that is letting in air. Trim it with a box knife, chances are you won't know the hack exists.
[-] [email protected] 30 points 8 months ago

I don't think that any character got shittier writing than her, with the exception of maybe Yar's death, and even then I think you still have to give it to Troi because she's got many more episodes. But her episodes are the ones that are the most consistently bad. Data's are mostly great, Worf's also pretty solid, Geordi has some stinkers mostly because the only thing they could figure out to do with him is have him lust after an unavailable woman, Crusher only has a few that are hers and honorable mention for one of my bottom five TNG eps of all time, Sub Rosa, but Troi's are pretty much all stinkers. The only one that I can think of off of the top of my head that I like is the one where she decides to take the command test.

[-] [email protected] 34 points 9 months ago

What double sucks about this is that every time I've seen something like it, it's some middle manager who fights tooth and nail to try to get their team anything and is given a budget of $6.37 and whatever they can find in the break room for 100 people. I have unfortunately been that guy a few too many times and had to explain to absolutely clueless managers that doing nothing instead is preferable.

[-] [email protected] 27 points 9 months ago

Doesn't this just mean Newsom appoints a replacement to finish her term and then they can get back to confirmation process? I seem to recall that was the reason so many called for her to resign, she was holding things up because she was too ill to sit for the confirmation process.

[-] [email protected] 30 points 9 months ago

Libertarianism is a great system if you're using it as a backdrop for a cyberpunk dystopia.

[-] [email protected] 33 points 10 months ago

The version of this I always think of is the one in which you're playing a video game and get stuck. And unlike today, where you might spend an hour before you give up and lookup a walkthrough, in the 90's when you got stuck, you just... stayed stuck. Like, "well, I guess I'm going to spend the next week or two on the Water Temple running into every wall and bombing everything until hopefully something opens." Oh and it turns out the solution is something you tried within the first 15 minutes but didn't get quite right.

[-] [email protected] 27 points 10 months ago

I reject the entire premise. There are a ton ton ton of jobs that are way easier to deal with than working in fast food or retail. The "marketable skill" trope is just more classist bullshit so you can focus on the guy barely squeaking by instead of the record corporate profits and massive CEO compensation. I would be willing to bet actual dollars that anyone complaining about these folks making too much money wouldn't last a single shift.

Also, we're talking about fucking California. Even in the low-cost areas of CA, $20/hr still means roommates and ramen.

[-] [email protected] 29 points 10 months ago

Firestick's are just re-skinned android, which itself is a linux distro very basically. It's not extremely difficult to get a working terminal that can install languages and packages like a normal linux distro. I think they even have OOTB support for keyboards/mice. That said, it's a lot funnier to picture them sitting there with the remote like it's super smash.

[-] [email protected] 30 points 10 months ago

Although I don't disagree, publicly announcing turnover stats that are far below average kinda blows a giant hole in the "LMG is a toxic hellhole" narrative. I've been in toxic hellholes, and turnover tells the real story.

This also doesn't negate necessarily Madison's statements and there probably have been real issues, but I think this is the part of the video where he said (paraphrased) "don't panic about a rise in intentional turnover." I lead a team about LMG's size, and people often don't realize that you can say and demonstrate your values consistently at this size, and still have someone fuck it up because some people just come to the org with the wrong learned behavior and it's gargantuan to re-program them to a healthy state, and a smaller few are just unsalvageable assholes. See also, the Stanford Prison experiment. It would extremely not blow my mind to learn that a few people or a particular team in LMG are entirely toxic and it was missed, and also that the experience for the vast majority doesn't match with this and they're trying to run an ethical company. My (optimistic) assumption is that the intentional turnover comment is probably going to focus on those that Madison dealt with.

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