Fun fact back in I want to say 2008 there was a big old anti-gay protest thing that filled up a stadium here in California, turned out a solid chunk of attendees were bussed in by the Mormon fucken church. Sadly this fact wasn't dug up particularly well until after prop 8(?) which banned gay marriage, luckily I think we have since voted it out. Also yes it did swing public opinion that badly, luckily I think it reaffirmed our weird xenophobia here in California so I don't think it'd work again.
His narcissism most certainly has to do with his political choices, especially since it seems his narcissism is driving him to do stupider and more damaging actions. Also I doubt he is autistic dude was looking for an excuse for being unfunny and about as charismatic as a rotting opposum corpse cooking on the side of the road, also the afformentioned uncontrolled narcissism and long history of lying makes anything he claims suspect.
Lol get fucked ya South African sub-human, teach ya to tempt the fates with your eugenicist bullshit.
They also tried to implement a metric calendar, ya know I think I know why they started using the guillotine on the revolutionary leaders.
They needed to do more smaller scale raids on remote plantations for longer, bleeding Kansas was a start but insufficient.
He did a lot wrong, but the failure to ensure adequate equipment and training for his troops is to a degree expected when running a guerrilla crusade.
It was also arguably the heart of Ol' John Browns crusade against twisted institution of slavery. I usually find Evangelicals both living and dead to be morally reprehensible weaklings who take their own gods name in vain, John Brown is one of the few I would be willing to shake the hand of.
So long as it's a proper election, that same ballot bullshit here in California is braindead. Let alone the fact that it's a free for all vote, while good old Arnold was actually decent in a doing his best sorta way well we got lucky 20 years ago. Imagine if a Trumper was in charge of California? Mind you I'm pretty sure they'd be locked down by the state Congress and perhaps even impeached on the first fuck up but still.
As a Californian, yes. Except maybe the Toyota Tacoma, but those trucks are weirdly durable.
Lots of native Siberians and the Eastern Ukrainians, while the Holodomor was centralized to Ukraine it was not restricted to Ukraine itself. Meaning lots and lots of starving people that either fled or died. Also the Soviets were still doing purges throughout Siberia and the Far East because they were paranoid of a resurgent White or Black army which definitely didn't help, also when I say purges I mean entire villages wiped out.
I'm addressing the trait of narcissism not the mental illness of narcissistic personality disorder. Two different things ones a mental illness and the other is being a maladaptive bitch who thinks they're the center of the universe and everyone else is an NPC, I'll give you that musk is definitely mentally fucked by multiple metrics but it ain't ableist to point out that his mental issues are contributing to his political spiral. Just like how my mother's abuse was made worse by her bipolar swings Musks Nazi tendencies were caused by his maladaptions and accelerated by his addiction.
Analysis requires acknowledgement of all factors and guess what to analyze Musk you have to factor in his mental instability. Mental illness often times often times works as an acceleratent for negative tendencies I know this from personal experience, both with my mother and my own issues since PTSD and autism is a right volatile mix.
Regardless I don't feel like there's any point in being not ableist to Musk, it'd probably piss him off. Treat him like the depressed little shit stain he is, maybe we will get lucky and he'll decide to air out his skull with a 12 gauge slug.