
joined 2 years ago

I got this Canon Selphy CP1300, but it didn't come with a paper cartridge. I'm trying to figure out how to trick it and get it to print anyway. There's two pins that when pressed in gives me a wrong cartridge paper size error. If someone else has one and you can take pictures of it I could 3d print one since I can't find an stl of it, or if anyone else has ideas for what to try I'm open to it.

[–] unimalion 3 points 9 months ago

Black pill twice

22: nostrils 6: kill 1 person 13: collapse civilization 24: Black pill (again) 1: control all tvs in fast food 7: plants talk

I didn't want civilization to collapse but at least the plants will keep me company

[–] unimalion 2 points 9 months ago (1 children)

No, pretty much everyone I took it to said it would cost 300 to take a look at the motherboard and fix it, but 300 is close to the price of a new motherboard. I'm holding onto it in case I can snipe a working MacBook without a screen that's compatible for cheap. Thanks for following up!

[–] unimalion 1 points 10 months ago (1 children)

I unironically tried to boot it after freezing it, but I guess I could try booting it while inside the oven instead🤔

[–] unimalion 2 points 10 months ago

I'll try booting it from a live USB but I'm not very hopeful given how it also freezes in recovery and safe mode. Thank you

[–] unimalion 3 points 10 months ago (3 children)

Forgot to mention it's a MacBook pro 2020 (A2289) 13''


I just got this Mac from my grandma because she said it wasn't working. It boots and lets me go into recovery mode but crashes in a similar way whenever a loading bar starts. I've tried booting every different way and cleared nvram. I didn't see any clearly visible damage on the logic board, and I'm willing to try any ideas as long as I can keep the price of fixing this under $100.

[–] unimalion 1 points 1 year ago
[–] unimalion 4 points 1 year ago
[–] unimalion 6 points 2 years ago (2 children)

When I was a kid I put a yellow cherry pit up my nose while my family and I were on a bus. I remember trying to dig it out, but pushing it deeper every time I did until I started sneezing uncontrollably. By this point I was crying, but it was so far up that nobody could see it and thought I was lying. The bus driver stopped doing his route and took us to the nearest hospital. They were able to find it and 3 nurses held me down while the doctor stuck some medical pliers up my nose to pull it out. After wards the doctor said that had it been 1 centimeter deeper I would have asphyxiated to death and yelled at my parents for letting me have small object.

[–] unimalion 5 points 2 years ago (3 children)

I am also curious.

[–] unimalion 34 points 2 years ago (12 children)

I'm not very savvy for piracy, so I think I need an explanation.

[–] unimalion 58 points 2 years ago (16 children)

Blue Door. One of my greatest mistakes was not buying Bitcoin when it was 100 dollars

[–] unimalion 15 points 2 years ago (7 children)

Shouldn't the goal be to provide universal services first?(i.e. transportation, education, healthcare, and housing). I would like universal income but my fear is that companies could just raise prices.

Self Hosting Videos (self.selfhosted)

Would it be possible to make a desktop application that allows us to host our own video like a YouTube except every video is hosted by the uploader?

Eye tracking? (self.godot)

Does anyone know if eye tracking is supported in Godot or if it will be added?

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