
joined 2 years ago
[–] twoolie -2 points 1 year ago
[–] twoolie 10 points 1 year ago

Dicey Dungeons. Collect cards with effects, roll dice, pay dice to activate card effects. Pretty great.

[–] twoolie 3 points 2 years ago

The model looks amazing, well done!

Looks like you may be having some trouble with total internal reflection, since I'm seeing some black boxes in the crevices of the glass.

Check out this great video from bcon a few years back


My understanding is that Wireguard is application built on top of Noise protocols as a point to point VPN. If you're modifying the app layer to add meshing, is it still Wireguard, and what makes it better than e.g. Nebula that already uses Noise protocols to create dynamic meshes?

[–] twoolie 7 points 2 years ago

Pretty well I reckon. Intel is very proactive in upstreaming their graphics drivers. Just make sure you're on a recent kernel with up to date Mesa libraries. Their OpenGL drivers aren't very fast for gaming, but Zink on Vulkan apparently runs well according to Phoronix

[–] twoolie 1 points 2 years ago

They had some multi-month gaps between the last few episodes. I also forgot about it for a while.

[–] twoolie 1 points 2 years ago

Still gets a rewatch every couple years from me. Waiting for my kids to be old enough to appreciate it.


I've been listening to these guys for a while, and the latest installment was fantastic.

CELERITAS is a cinematic sci-fi podcast about the first test of light speed flight, which hurls an astronaut deep into space and far into the future, where he begins a desperate search throughout the solar system for remnants of the human race.

Anyone else a listener?

[–] twoolie 14 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) (2 children)

Brothers: a tale of two sons. You play as both brothers, working together to find a cure for their father sickness. Pretty sure I traumatized my SO with this one...