
joined 2 years ago
[–] timbuck2themoon 14 points 12 hours ago (2 children)

I would but my state would just fuck up Canada and they don't deserve that.

[–] timbuck2themoon 12 points 12 hours ago

They're either voting for it or staying home. Same difference. One would think people would eventually wake up but.... Seems no.

[–] timbuck2themoon 6 points 1 day ago

Id be very curious to see numbers on how many are actually moving away.

[–] timbuck2themoon 2 points 1 day ago (1 children)

You use their servers and IPS. You're just pointing your DNS to their stuff.

Much easier and more trustworthy than running your own, like you said.

[–] timbuck2themoon 2 points 2 days ago

And 90 million lazy idiots too.

[–] timbuck2themoon 2 points 2 days ago

In Ohio as well. Too bad Im convinced this state is too stupid to understand anyhow.

[–] timbuck2themoon 4 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Tbf, the one thing I find nice, at least for home users, is the ability to throw JBOD and it makes it all work. Less cumbersome for newcomers. Zfs needs disks of the same size or it will only group disks into a vdev and use the smallest of the disks for capacity.

That said, I run zfs and no btrfs anywhere. Had high hopes for bcachefs but..... That's not going particularly well.

[–] timbuck2themoon 15 points 2 days ago (1 children)

I think it depends who you ask.

As a linux admin, I don't mind it and actually really appreciate it. It's a robust system like you said and though a bit persnickety on resolving things, does its job well.

As a home user, I find that mostly you shouldn't know it ever exists anyhow. The one time you might would be podman volume issues (when you forget or don't know to append a z/Z) or when you're doing something odd. I can see how some would dislike it in that case.

But in any case I fully recommend running it and just learning how to use it. Kind of like IPv6. It's misunderstood, too often disabled, and should be more widespread. They both are really improvements to what came before. Just technology that takes a little more time to learn is all.

Here is a helpful video explaining it- https://youtu.be/_WOKRaM-HI4

[–] timbuck2themoon -1 points 2 days ago

Oh the people who dislike MAC probably do dislike file permissions too, ha. chmod -R 777 somedir and such.

[–] timbuck2themoon 12 points 3 days ago

Honestly doesn't matter what the Democrats do. Republicans learned that their voters will never hold them accountable so why step down?

[–] timbuck2themoon 4 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Ie. The equivalent of sending the output of your wiki to /dev/null

[–] timbuck2themoon 3 points 4 days ago

I think we gave up somewhere in season 3. No idea which season was the last. First season was awesome and by the third I had no idea where they were going with it. No desire to know at that point either.


Go Muskies!


Heck of a statement right out the gate.


It's delicious fyi


Not pretty but it worked.


Anyone surprised? Saw that loss coming.

Brilliant coaching to run all 3 downs and trust a long field goal. Playing not to lose surely is the best strategy.

Bengals win! (self.bengals)

Who would've thought.


We're down Robinson and Murphy I believe due to yellow card accumulation. Not feeling great about that.


Anyone else hate this? I don't want a dumbed down bar. If Im on the homepage, I want to know. Same as if I'm on a subpage.

This is in reference to Mozilla changing the URL to ALWAYS show only the domain. Absolutely terrible IMO. As for the double tall menu now? That is mostly fine.

At least give me an option to see the full url.

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