
joined 2 years ago
[–] threeganzi 0 points 18 hours ago (6 children)

Can you really not imagine an alternative?

[–] threeganzi 7 points 1 day ago

I suppose they count electorate in dollars, not people? Maybe they mean to say “broader capital interests”?

[–] threeganzi 1 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (1 children)

Nice to see some love for Tomba. Loved Tomba 2. Just heard it’s getting a remake released this year.

[–] threeganzi 2 points 1 week ago
[–] threeganzi 2 points 1 week ago

The preferred term is “non-penised person at birth”, thank you!

[–] threeganzi 4 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Why will there be a tax increase?

[–] threeganzi 3 points 1 week ago

Ah, I get now what you mean. Fair point.

[–] threeganzi 14 points 1 week ago (2 children)

I can’t say anything about the validity of the infographic but it says “increase up to” so it’s relative not absolute. So without knowing the current taxation it would be hard to say that tax is low, unless you think the increase is too low. Or am I missing something?

[–] threeganzi 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Yeah let’s hope the chaos will be a catalyst for things to change but I worry people with bad intentions are more prepared to use the situation.

Do you really believe the chaos is more likely to lead to something good, rather than break down the three-pillar checks and balances the founding fathers lined out? Trump obviously wants more power to the executive branch and has the blessing to ignore the judicial branch of government. And it might be hard to claw back once in the power balance has bern shifted.

The two party system is obviously flawed, when people choose to vote for some one-size-fits-all compromise instead of one mirroring their political views. Because that’s what is incentivized.

Lenny is pretty aggressive in its left leaning ideologies and I tend to lean the same way, but I also like to understand the other viewpoint.

You say you voted socialist, but you post a lot of conservative news. Why is that? Because you want to broaden the Lemmy political spectrum or what?

[–] threeganzi 2 points 1 week ago (3 children)

I agree trump was voted in democratically, in a fair election. I’ve only heard trump and his allies imply the election isn’t fair. It’s what trump does to break down the checks and balances which keeps his powers in check. That should be considered a problem by anyone, regardless of political affiliation.

We do democracy a little different from the US, and have many different parties with slightly different ideals. Contrary to the us system that inadvertently creates a two-party political landscape where only two party ideals can compete.

I’m very well aware Lenny is generally more left leaning, even for my country’s average citizen.

[–] threeganzi 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I haven’t heard anyone say we shouldn’t know where the money goes. I don’t think the spending isn’t true, just that cutting spending without assessing the potential damage is irresponsible. Let’s hope there is too much collateral damage from all that cutting. Like short term saving that turn out to cost more in the long run.

I do remember hearing that there is a significant amount (trillions?) of dollars unaccounted for the the military budget, for many years. That’s a well documented issue of unaccounted for spending which seems to be ignored by many politicians on all sides of the isle. Accountability is important like you say.

As you know I only have indirect skin in the game, not being from the US, but I and the rest of the world will be affected.

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