[-] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago

About to finish that one after several years, so I picked up that dev’s latest game. I’ve heard it’s even better, so I’m quite excited. DOSin2 is one of the best games I’ve played.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago

At this rate I’m not sure they’ll release it this year

[-] [email protected] 19 points 3 days ago

used to say that a very unusual event is not likely to happen again to the same person or in the same place

As commentary on the idiom and not the topic of the thread, surely it’s an ineffective idiom if the meaning is vastly different from the saying? I feel like everyone had a “it does strike twice, though” moment in their life after hearing this exact phrase

[-] [email protected] 1 points 4 days ago

Weird. Are you on PC? I remember cheaters doing that on PC I think

Also, how’d it present? Did people suddenly appear without the “x joined” notification?

I wonder how it works, code wise. From what I could tell, it was peer-to-peer and to join a session with others, it would do the cloud animation

[-] [email protected] 5 points 4 days ago

Another comment in favor, I don’t care for TLJ but the Knives Out series is fun.

Tangentially, with all those memes about TLJ “subverting expectations,” I was pleased to see that director do whodunnits. A much better use of the phrase!

[-] [email protected] 4 points 4 days ago

Does this happen? I played GTAO on and off from 2013-2022, primarily in invite sessions with friends, and this has never once occurred to me.

To my understanding, invite only sessions remain invite only. If you’re in a public lobby but alone, it would ping occasionally with “you’re playing solo, find a new session to play with others”. Others could join, but it would say they joined. You couldn’t join a populated lobby without finding a new session, but people could start trickling in.

I’ve never once seen an invite session merge into a public lobby, would dozens of people just show up at once without notice? I haven’t played in a couple years so if they added that, I wouldn’t have seen it

submitted 2 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

First, thanks again for making this app. It’s excellent and I’m always impressed when I use it.

I have an unusual and possibly niche feature request inspired by Alien Blue: swiping forwards and backwards from any edge. So from the left edge you can swipe right as if to go back, but reverse the motion and go forwards instead. And vice versa. It feels like using momentum to navigate either way with a single finger. Discord also had this feature until the mobile app redesign.

Video example here, it says it’ll expire in two days but I don’t know where else to put it. This allows for satisfying operation and one handed browsing, such as when vigorously masturbating to tech news.

I understand if this is too niche to add, it’s merely something I’ve wanted every app to have since AB. Thanks for reading!

Ps, I would also appreciate an option to put the vote buttons on the left. Years of AB then Apollo have gotten me quite used to that, and maybe left handed people would appreciate it. No rush on either of these if you choose to work on them, I’ve been meaning to ask for both of these since the days of web app only. I actually meant to ask Apollo’s dev for the swipe thing too, back when it released in the App Store, but didn’t interact much back on reddit and never got around to it.

[-] [email protected] 117 points 6 months ago

Maybe we can finally end all the hopes for that UFO thing. The people who spent years on it deserve closure, even if it was just hints towards a cancelled DLC

[-] [email protected] 48 points 8 months ago

I don’t think anyone is actually enjoying the animal’s suffering, it’s more meant to be a humorous juxtaposition of the annoying dog yapping and the dog’s own dislike of sound. Upon further thought, it’s obviously not the same as annoyance because they display fear. Humor often comes in the first beat though, before deeper reflection.

I hate fireworks. They annoy me, but I’m also very aware of the affects of repetitive loud popping sounds. From pets to people/veterans with PTSD, they cause unnecessary suffering en massé every year. They also pollute, from the manufacturing to the smoke that most fireworks (to my knowledge) still emit, all for a pretty minimal gain. I still thought it was funny though, just from the base comparison of undesirable sound vs undesirable sound. That said, I’d run for president on a platform of “ban fireworks” either way

[-] [email protected] 50 points 8 months ago

Being in advertising “r&d” for these companies must be the easiest job in the world. All you have to do is insert ads into every possible slot (oftentimes just following another example), wait for consumers to roll over and pay for it, then do it again in six months. Freest money ever since consumers will take every blow they’re dealt and just keep paying for it no matter how bad the product becomes. Some day they’ll perfect the art and blast ads in the middle of the screen with the actual show in the top letterbox— reserving the bottom letterbox for buy it now buttons— and they’ll get fired like everyone else. But until then, easiest paycheck in the world

[-] [email protected] 87 points 9 months ago

You know how in Plague Inc you can spread your disease via the Olympics?

I’m quite worried that will happen with bed bugs. We nearly eradicated them and have had decades of relative peace, but they’re having a hell of a resurgence. I genuinely fear a world where they become as widespread as they used to be.

[-] [email protected] 151 points 11 months ago

The person she told that to, Homer Hickam, had no say in the firing, expressed disappointment after, and helped her get another job after (though I do not recall if it was successful). In an era where companies are increasingly sensitive about what employees post online, she had it much much better than just about anyone else in the world fired for the same thing at least.

And really… perhaps I’m old fashioned, but posting stuff like that in the same tweet as your NASA offer was pretty poorly thought out. NASA doesn’t feel like the type of organization that wants its employees associated with messaging like that.

[-] [email protected] 69 points 11 months ago

“Go for X” was somewhat common, including in media. I think OP was mishearing that. There’s virtually no way to differentiate between “gopher” and a rushed, casual “go for” in speech.

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