
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 hours ago

Because Disney didn't own the restaurant, it was a private restaurant renting a building in a shopping center owned by Disney

Disney was just the landlord in this situation, and so they honestly had nothing to do with it

[–] [email protected] 1 points 6 hours ago

Oh, the metaphor goes further. We're not the pilot of the suit, we're not the hardware, we're not the OS of the suit, we're the AI assistant

We speak for it with the other AIs, we get called up to handle things we don't have learned behaviors for, we analyze and provide feedback - we give advice and it feels like we're making decisions, but we're not

[–] [email protected] 39 points 15 hours ago (4 children)

Once again, the science piles up behind my "we're just LLMs running on the mecha suit controlled by bacteria" theory

[–] [email protected] 1 points 16 hours ago

That's not what I'm mad about. I'm mad that it won't ever work - Ubisoft isn't trying to figure out why their games are failing, they're trying to figure out how to keep the stock price projections up

Hence this article, which is signaling to wall Street "we're going to make layoffs and hire cheaper, less experienced people". They'll probably do it by closing studios and buying up new ones - that's pretty much their standard operating procedure. They buy up a studio, take their IP to add to the pile, then turn it into a formula and churn out games until the players lose interest in the IP

What's the problem? They're too damn big. What's the solution? Block them from acquiring more studios and they'll die without leaving a swath of destruction on the way down. Ideally split them up. Do the same with Microsoft and EA, and we could save the gaming industry overnight (granted, more like over the course of a few years)

Voting with your wallet doesn't work because to the leadership of a Corp, sales aren't what matters. Stock price matters, which is only tentatively linked to how profitable the company is, which is only tentatively linked to the quality of their products

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago (1 children)

It undoubtedly burned out hundreds of game devs who wasted years of their work and improved nothing about the industry

Mission accomplished?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago (2 children)

Well I wouldn't say it's important, because it doesn't change anything

I would definitely say it's a waste of money to buy their bad games. They deserve to fail. I'm not happy about it, because I want good games, not for IP to be stretched so far I no longer care about it

But it's important to understand that AAA gaming is an oligopoly and not buying their games won't change that. It will not improve gaming. Ubisoft will close another dozen studios, buy 13 more, and learn all the wrong lessons (see current situation)

"Voting with your wallet" does not give you any control, just like recycling does not save the planet. It's a myth to redirect our attention

Structural problems can only be solved structurally.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago

They just ascribe a different metric as to why it failed

Yeah... That's my point. They will never say "our game failed because it was overly formulaic, unpolished, and our customers are getting sick of our bullshit"

It doesn't fit on the spreadsheet. They will never come to the correct conclusion. They structurally cannot

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago

Oh, and you've never been a total and complete hypocrite with global consequences before?

[–] [email protected] 9 points 1 day ago (9 children)

Motherfucker... How many times do you you have to fail before you listen to your customers, who are screaming what they want?

This is why voting with your wallet is nonsense. They'll never learn why they failed, only that they did

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago

That's like 30 years after the concept was first understood. Even now the concept is downplayed so people don't reject it outright

And even today, almost no one truly understands the implications of exponential growth... I'd give them full marks

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago

Why do you think C is the one true language? It's a tool.

There's a single very simple answer to "what tool should I use?". Use the best tool for the job

The job is the objective - what are you trying to accomplish? What are your priorities? What compromise is best between time, cost, and quality? What are your abilities? What's in your toolbox right now, and what could you obtain within the time frame?

For you, the best tool might always be C. I don't know how you've specialized or what you do, but C is powerful. Maybe you have an orderly thought process code meticulously, maybe you struggle to learn new languages. Maybe there's just no better option for the jobs you take on

For me, C is rarely the answer. Not never, but outside of school I can count on one hand how many times I've chosen it. I code intuitively and feel how the code fits together, I can pick up languages on the spot and switch even more easily. But I'm not meticulous, it's against my nature. I make mistakes frequently - but I learn by doing, and I don't need to understand to start doing

All that said, why do we keep making languages and frameworks? Because as programmers, we build the tools. We can also share them without losing them. The perfect tool for one job won't be the same for any other job, but a pretty good tool for many jobs is a valuable tool

The trade-off with our tools is between power, versatility, and cost (generally being time). We all want powerful and versatile tools - but our time is limited, and so we can't afford the cost

Ultimately, I think you've correctly spotted a recurring problem but misidentified the cause. The cause isn't the tools, it's the fact that the cost is someone else's time. And the fact we have no way to translate money into their time

A corporation can fund a team to continuously develop a tool they rely on. An individual can't - we could chip in a few bucks here and there, but we use a lot of tools. We don't know good tools from bad ones until we use them, we don't know what tools are used to build the ones we need either.

So everyone and their mom wants to build a service to fund work on their tools. I hate services, I don't want to give them my data or my money - I want tools that will work on my devices, not because I don't want to deny them pay for their work, but because I pick up, drop, and modify tools all the time

That's the real problem - if I could donate x dollars a month to support the tools I use, I would. If I could choose for us all to pay more taxes to support the tools we all use, I would take that deal. Hell, I'd go through the effort to generalize my personal tools

Instead, the only real profit to be had in OSS comes from companies, because they can afford to fund them directly, or services, which individuals tend to hate but companies barely notice. The tools aren't the problem - the economics are the problem

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago

It's actually really fascinating - cats seem to rapidly learn culture while they're weaning

Cats in Japan are very friendly and trusting of humans, cats in America are more cautious and wary

Japan has folklore about multiple variations of cat yokai that range from fickle trickers to malevolent supernatural ones. Cats are considered good luck, killing them invites bad luck. They have euphemisms like being in no position to refuse even a cats help, and their presence being a good omen

America has folklore about cats being bad luck, and tied to witchery. We still use euphemisms about skinning cats, letting them out of bags, swinging them, etc. Killing cats wasn't abnormal behavior even a century ago

And apparently, if you bring a female Japanese cat to America, it'll take several generations for the descendents to localize to the culture. They even meow differently


Between wanting to do more with local LLMs, wsl annoyances, and the direction tech companies have been going lately, I think it's time I start exploring a full Linux migration

I'm a software dev, I'm comfortable in the command line, and I used to write the node configuration piece of something similar to chef (flavor/version agnostic setup of cloud environments)

So for me, Linux has always been a "modify the script and rebuild fresh" kind of deal... Even my dev VMs involved a lot of scripts and snapshots. I don't enjoy configuration and I really hate debugging it, but I can muddle through when I have to

Web searches have pushed me towards Ubuntu for LLM work, but I've never been a big fan of the window Managers. I like little flourishes like animation and lots of options I can set graphically, I use multiple desktop multiple monitors

I've tried the one it comes standard with, gnome, and kde (although it's been about 5 years since I've last given them a real shot).

I'm mostly looking for the most reasonable footprint that is "good enough", something that feels polished to at least the Windows XP level - subtle animations instead of instant popups, rounded borders, maybe a bit of transparency here and there.

I'm looking at Ubuntu w/

  • kde w/ plasma (I understand it's very configurable, I don't love the look and it seems to be a bigger footprint

  • budgie (looks nice, never heard of it before today)

  • kylin (looks very Windows 10 which is nice, a bit skeptical about the Chinese focus)

  • mate (I like the look, but it seems a bit dubiously centralized)

  • unity (looks like the standard Ubuntu taken to it's natural conclusion)

  • rhino Linux (something new which makes me skeptical, but pretty and seems more like existing tools packaged together which makes me think the issues might not impact actual workflow)

  • anything the community is big on for this, personally I'd pick opensuze, but I need to maximize compatibility with bleeding edge LLM projects

My hardware and hard requirements are:

  • nvidia 1060ti
  • ryzen 5500u
  • 16g ram
  • 4 drives nearly full, because it's a computer of Theseus running the same (upgraded) vista license that came with the case like 15 years ago
  • multi desktop, multi monitor
  • can handle a lot of browser Windows/tabs
  • ideally the setup is just a package mana ger install script with all my dependencies
  • gaming support would be nice, but I'll be dual booting for VR anyways

I've been out of the game for a while, I'd love to hear what the feeling is in the community these days

(Side note, is pine as cool a company as it seems?)

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