[-] [email protected] 18 points 1 month ago

You can offer shares to employees to supplement salary, its very common. It could be used to attract or retain staff by offering less salary but a larger overall package than their rivals and tie in the employees for a period of time till the shares vest.

[-] [email protected] 18 points 2 months ago

Has this been independently verified as bullet proof by a reputable company? As I have zero trust in any assertions from Tesla based on their previous demos of this.

[-] [email protected] 20 points 7 months ago

With the fake parts scandal for airplanes I wonder if this should be mandatory for parts that impact public safety for public transport like trains, buses, planes and so on.

Dont get me wrong, I want a full right to repair enshrined in law and using a system like this just to prevent it is clearly wrong, but if it could be adapted to allow for critical parts to be made under license by third parties and helped prevent fake parts then may be a small amount of good can come from this shitty practice.

[-] [email protected] 18 points 7 months ago

Modern way of doing it is via intune: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/mem/intune/remote-actions/devices-wipe

You can force registration of the device before they can access the environment, and you can enforce all sorts of things.

[-] [email protected] 22 points 7 months ago

Its partly a reaction against the financial freedoms women have started to enjoy since they started getting closer to male salaries and a career became a more socially acceptable option for women. In the past if you were a woman you had to marry to get your own place, it was also deeply socially unacceptable for women to remain unmarried into their twenties and thirties, so far more women had to marry men who never really the right choice for them, witness the high divorce rates for the tail end of this group as divorce became easier and more socially acceptable. I would also add its also more socially acceptable for people to be out and in relationships now, rather than marrying a beard or playing full on pretend. This further cuts the pool who needed to marry men rather than wanted to marry men.

Now women can remain single or in more flexible arrangements and a large group of men are now struggling to adapt. Large elements of this group have been targeted by the likes of Crowder for rationalisation and end up on the incel pathway. A trad wife is a fantasy that makes everything easy for this group of men, its going to be attractive to them.

[-] [email protected] 18 points 7 months ago

There is a few steps before then. We are currently at the stage of privatising previously state ran services within the NHS such as radiology and buying extra capacity from private business This is being done at a local level using existing budgets so it means money for actual services gets reduced or quality of service drops as no outsourcer works at a loss for very long.

Other step that happens is you can pay to jump the queue by paying the heavily subsidised private offerings in the UK. This is often the same person you would have seen via the NHS. There isnt this huge magical pool of extra doctors in the UK who only work private (outside cosmetic) so anybody you see privately will almost certainly have a NHS case load. More work private, less work NHS as there is only so many hours they can and will work.

Next stage is national privatisation of some of the bigger services, for example the recent agreement with Palantir that sells off our data for far less than its worth and without explicit patient permission.

I would imagine as that will increase costs it will then become optional to pay for the NHS and instead you can pay for private cover (rather than paying for both as we do currently if you want private cover). Once this happens its only a matter of time before the NHS becomes an empty shell as the middle earners who pay the most tax towards the NHS will simply stop paying. Then at that point does private start getting way more expensive and the exclusions start.

Usually some privatisation apologist will appear and say that we do not have to follow the American model, to which I always say what exactly about this government has ever given you the complete confidence that anything other than the shitest option will happen. Its nice to wish for unicorns but they are not going to happen here.

[-] [email protected] 21 points 8 months ago

Worst gap here is Alonso as Sargeant at least not been in one of the best cars at the start of the season and nor is this his seventh season.

[-] [email protected] 19 points 8 months ago

While I do wish he would just disappear and we never hear from him again I do think that he'll spike viewers for GB News, which had made my disappointment of this news a hundred times worse. It was just getting to the point that GB and Talk TV would have to merge or go bust now this happens.

What makes it even worse than GB continued existence is that he's going to be the subject of so many stupid memes as he just cannot help himself with his dumb comments (or he does it on purpose, you decide).

[-] [email protected] 17 points 9 months ago

Most likely the car was parked during the day and charging from the sun as it would take hours to charge even a small battery. They then drove at night/early evening/late afternoon over a couple of hours at around 30mph until the battery was empty and repeated.

If it was 10 days of driving with an average of 62 miles a day, that only needs to be a very small battery even compared to even a gen 1 Renault Zoe that has 22kwh. They could probably get away with 15kwh or so (approx. 4 miles per kwh), which would make charging it off car sized solar panels possible in a day.

Majority of Europeans only do very low daily mileage. The UK journey average is only 8 miles. So this car works for those sort of use cases, although there are always going to be outliers who need more, so good job there already cars that cover them.

[-] [email protected] 22 points 9 months ago

People mix up duty cycle with build quality and functionality when talking about business vs. high end enthusiast gear.

Take a (random) example of an espresso machine or coffee grinder made for a coffee shop that can do 1000s of shots day in, day out, they tend to cost a small fortune. Compare that to a similarly priced home machine and the home machine cannot do that number of shots, just a hundred or so day in, day out, but will have way more functionality that an enthusiast will get value out of. Does a home espresso machine need to be able to do 1000s of shots per day over a 5 to 10 year period? Does it fuck.

Another example would be the duty cycle on a high end NAS or SAN drive that is designed for 1000x more reads and writes, never being turned off, etc. vs. a high performance enthusiast drive.

Buy the duty cycle you actually need.

[-] [email protected] 17 points 10 months ago

So happy for Carlos and for F1 to have such a competitive finish between so many teams for the win this season.

Very interested to see where RB are next race. While it looked like the car was better at the end they had a sizable tyre advantage as they had pitted out of phase with everyone else. Merc had a two second advantage over the same cars and RB weren't two seconds slower than everyone else on Saturday so their tyre advantage at the end has helped cover up just how bad that RB was this weekend.

[-] [email protected] 25 points 10 months ago

There is a step missing between those two: Say Brexit is going perfectly until they personally experience a minor inconvenience caused by Brexit

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